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AManWithNoPlan (talkcontribs)

These get logged when people use, and are probably not useful.

Undefined property: stdClass::$key in /data/project/citations/public_html/vendor/mediawiki/oauthclient/src/Client.php on line 181

Undefined property: stdClass::$secret in /data/project/citations/public_html/vendor/mediawiki/oauthclient/src/Client.php on line 181

I think that the code should probably handle these cases better.

Probably use "(string) @" in front of them.

Tgr (WMF) (talkcontribs)

That means the server failed to return the expected JSON data and the OAuth handshake failed. Some error checking would certainly be nice. Filed as T332429.

Valerio Bozzolan (talkcontribs)
Valerio Bozzolan (talkcontribs)
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