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Structured Data Across Wikimedia/画像のおすすめ

From mediawiki.org
This page is a translated version of the page Structured Data Across Wikimedia/Image Suggestions and the translation is 50% complete.





The image suggestion UI is a key component of the SDAW project, aimed at developing systems for structured data across all Wikimedia projects.

Images are key for illustrating concepts and helping people understand subjects. Considering that Wikimedia Commons contains 65 million images, we believe that it is possible to make Wikipedias substantially more illustrated with Commons images. We believe that Structured Data can open an enduring pipeline for enriching content between Commons and Wikipedia. This will help us, in turn, to grow and diversify contributors, improve content for readers, and narrow gaps in content.

Despite that, in many Wikipedias more than half of the articles have no images. This is mainly due to the complexity of the current workflow of adding media and making connections between content and images. We want to make this process easier.



As we already said, the tool will build on the work already done for the “Add an image” structured task project. The Image Suggestion API, built by the Platform Engineering team, combines the results of the Image Suggestions Algorithm and MediaSearch to provide suggestions for images matches to unillustrated articles, using the following approach:

  1. Look at the Wikidata item for the article.
    1. If it has image (P18), suggest that image.
    2. If it has Commons category (P373), suggest an image from the category.
  2. Look at the articles about the same topic in other language Wikipedias. Suggest a lead image from those articles.
  3. Search MediaSearch on Commons for the title of the article, which combines traditional text-based search with structured data from Commons and Wikidata. If an image ranks high enough in the results, suggest that image.

In initial tests, the combined algorithms can suggest images for up to 40% of all unillustrated articles on a given Wikipedia. We are currently doing further testing of the accuracy of the matches. Also, the Android and Growth teams are testing ideas that use the Image Suggestion API to allow newcomers to add images to articles via the suggested tasks interface.

We are also experimenting with adding the results from the Image Suggestions Algorithm directly to MediaSearch. We hope that will simplify the process technically and improve MediaSearch results. See タスク T283869 on Phabricator for more information.


previous mockups and ideasについては、Structured Data Across Wikimedia/Image Suggestions/2021-02 を参照してください。
more information about the current tool architectureについては、Structured Data Across Wikimedia/Image Suggestions/Data Pipeline を参照してください。

The project is currently experimenting with an approach based on notifications. The goal is to embed the suggestions in the user’s existing Wikipedia activities through weekly notifications, thus increasing the likelihood they will review such suggestions and add selected images as part of their current editing workflow. Contributors can choose to edit via Wikitext or Visual Editor, and can review the image and the article information in the notification.


This mockup is a rough representation of how notifications might appear in user's notifications.

The following is the current workflow. Wherever appropriate, there is a link to the related task on Phabricator.

  1. Notifications are sent weekly to all users who have at least 500 edits at a predefined day and time (e.g. every Monday at 08:00 AM UTC), all across the globe → see タスク T292147 on Phabricator
  2. Notification includes a link to user’s preferences to allow users to opt out of the notifications → about opting-out, see タスク T292146 on Phabricator
    • “Image Suggestions” options would be added to bottom of the list of users’ opt-in/opt-out notifications
  3. Suggestions are selected randomly from the list of matched recent images to unillustrated articles, using the algorithms explained above
  4. Users are selected randomly from a group of users that:
    • have at least 500 edits on the project
    • did not opt-out of the notification
    • have received up to 2 image notifications in a given week
  5. The tool will check the user’s watchlist for articles edited in the last 30 days
    • If the user has already received a notification for the article ID, the tool skips to the next article
    • Otherwise, it matches one suggestion and sends the notification
  6. If image matches remain, then the tool checks for other articles on users watchlist
  7. The notification process will be generated weekly, until image matches are exhausted or applicable users are exhausted
    • Notifications for a particular article-image match notification will only be shown once to a particular user
    • The same match can be sent to multiple users to review (except in the case the image has been inserted)



  1. 画像の追加をするため、いつも通りの手順に進む(例=編集モードに切り替え、ウィキテキストまたはビジュアルエディタで画像を追加)
    • この場合、利用者はすすめられた画像を見るチャンスがあるだけで、ヘルプも機能も提供されない
  2. 「画像を見る」リンクを押す(“Review image”)
    • 画面はコモンズに切り替わり、その画像を表示
  3. 「記事を読む」リンクを押す(“Review article”)
    • 表示はウィキペディアのその記事に切り替わる


次の箇条書きには、現状の テスト段階の範囲外のアイデアでも、将来に対応の可能性がありそうなものを総覧にしました。

  • コモンズに画像をアップロードした利用者に、適合しそうな記事をおすすめする
  • 通知以外の方法によるおすすめ(=ビジュアルエディターの画像検索ダイアログでおすすめ)
  • Illustrated articles
  • Section level image suggestions
  • A tool to help users add images to the article
  • A landing page that lets users review multiple suggestions at once
  • Limiting notifications only to users who have a history of adding images to articles in the last 30 days


We are planning on measuring the following metrics, to analyse the performance of the current testing and determine whether the tool is successful:

  1. Number of notifications sent
  2. Number of image suggestions notifications opened (measuring engagement with notifications)
  3. Number of opt-outs (low number of opt-outs = notifications are useful)
  4. Number of images suggested that are added to the matched article within a month of receiving the notification
  5. Number of suggested images not reverted from their matched article (low revert rate = good quality of suggested matches)

私たちが 避けたい こと

  • 利用する気が起こらず利用されない新しいツールを作成する
  • やたらに通知を頻発して利用者を困らせること
  • 編集を催促した結果、差し戻し件数がふくらむこと
  • 既存の方針および/または慣習(中立な視点、独自研究を避けるなど)に違反する編集を後押しすること
  • その記事に偏った視点を追加する編集を後押しすること


プロジェクトへのご意見、ご感想、ご指摘はいつでも歓迎します。 私たちは特に、以下の未解決の疑問に関して皆さんのアイデアに関心があり、トークページでお聞きすることを楽しみにしております:

  1. What is your opinion about the approaches outlined above?
  2. Should we be helping editors with image placement location?
  3. How can we help users make sure they are following the conventions of a particular wiki when choosing and placing an image?
  4. How can we help users add appropriate captions?
  5. How can we help users add appropriate alt-text?




ウィキメディア横断構造化データプロジェクト(SDAW)では、画像のおすすめを肝心な要素として位置づけていて、その時点で画像を載せていない記事がある場合に、利用者が画像やメディアを簡便に追加できるよう目指しています。(SDAW=Structured Data Across Wikimedia。)

よく似た「画像の追加」ツールが Growth チームから出ていて、このツールはそれと重複しませんか?


  • 一方で「画像を追加」ツールは新規参加者ならびに経験値が少ない利用者を対象に設定、画像を記事に追加したことがほとんどない人を想定しています。
  • 他方で「画像のおすすめ」ツールはもう少し経験を積んだ利用者を想定し、画像やメディアを既存の記事に追加した方がある人たちです(つまり編集回数500回超の人。)



少し深掘りするなら、ツールは対応するウィキデータ項目を読みに行って、そこに画像が登録されているかどうか(ウィキデータの属性はプロパティ P18)、または構わずカテゴリが紐付けしてあるか(同じくプロパティ P373)チェックします。どちらにも使える画像がない場合はウィキペディアのその記事の別の言語版を調べに行き、代表的な画像を探します。ツールはさらに、コモンズの MediaSearch 機能で記事題名をキーワードに検索し、もし一致度の高さに満足できる画像がヒットすると、ツールはその画像を選び出します。







通知を(今後は)受信したくない場合、 特別:GlobalPreferencesへ進み、「通知」タブをクリックし、画像のおすすめ(Image suggestions)に関するチェックマークを外します。 注記:これは画像のおすすめが有効化されているプロジェクト(今のところ:カタロニア語、フィンランド語、ハンガリー語、インドネシア語、ノルウェー語、ポルトガル語、およびロシア語版ウィキペディア)のひとつを通じてグローバル個人設定にアクセスした場合のみ動作します。

Can I generate image suggestions notifications for an event or campaign?

Yes. This is possible with certain limitations. Go to Category Based Notifications for instructions.