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This page is a translated version of the page Skin:Liberty and the translation is 4% complete.
MediaWiki skins manual - kategori
Release status: stable
Beskrivelse Responsive skin for LibreWiki
Author(s) Librewiki Development Team
Latest version 1.13.0
MediaWiki 1.39+ (master branch)

1.35 (REL1_35 branch)

1.33 (REL1_33 branch)

1.31 (REL1_31 branch)

1.27 (REL1_27 branch)
Licens GNU General Public License 3.0 or later
Eksempel Librewiki
  • $wgLibertyMainColor
  • $wgLibertySecondColor
  • $wgTwitterAccount
  • $wgLibertyOgLogo
  • $wgNaverVerification
  • $wgLibertyAdSetting
  • $wgLibertyAdGroup
  • $wgLibertyMobileReplaceAd
  • $wgLibertyEnableLiveRC
  • $wgLibertyMaxRecent
  • $wgLibertyLiveRCArticleNamespaces
  • $wgLibertyLiveRCTalkNamespaces
Public wikis using 9 (Ranked 105th)
Public wikis using as default skin 7
Translate the Liberty skin if it is available at translatewiki.net

The Liberty skin is based on Bootstrap. This skin is designed with a responsive design.


  • Liberty is a responsive skin based on Bootstrap and is designed to handle all three environments: desktop, tablet, and smartphone.
  • It has real-time recent updates and social network site sharing.
  • It supports various setting changes for wiki sites using common MediaWiki.
  • Support for Google Adsense and Twitter Cards.
  • Support for Gravatar allows you to display profile pictures based on the email address set on the wiki. When using the SocialProfile extension, support for SocialProfile avatars is available if you do not wish to use Gravatar avatars.
  • Support dark mode based on browser settings.
  • Supports skin environment adjustment. (On Preferences → Liberty skin tab)
    • Personal theme color settings are available.
    • Personal font settings are available.
    • You can set individual top bar.


For general documentation on the use of skins, see Hjælp:Skins .
  • Download and place the file(s) in a directory called Liberty in your skins/ folder.
  • Add the following code at the bottom of your LocalSettings.php file:
    wfLoadSkin( 'Liberty' );
    $wgDefaultSkin = "Liberty";
  • Configure as required.
  • Yes Done - Navigate to Special:Version on your wiki to verify that the skin is successfully installed.


Set these parameters in the LocalSettings.php file.

If you want detailed information, check LibreWiki (Korean)

Navn Beskrivelse Example value Default value
$wgLibertyUseGravatar Enable the displaying of Gravatar avatars in the top bar for registered users who have a confirmed email address? Set this to false if you do not wish to use Gravatar avatars for e.g. privacy reasons or if you have the SocialProfile extension installed and you wish to use its avatars instead. true true
$wgLibertyMainColor theme-color configurations, main color of site #4188F1 #4188F1
$wgLibertySecondColor Configuration for secondary color of site #2774DC The value of $wgLibertyMainColor subtracted by 1A1415
$wgTwitterAccount Default Twitter account to send a mention with Twitter Cards librewiki (none)
$wgLibertyOgLogo OpenGraph Image Logo https://librewiki.net/images/6/6a/Libre_favicon.png (Value of $wgLogo)
$wgNaverVerification Naver Webmaster Tool Verification Code (Value supplied by Naver.com) (none)
$wgLibertyAdSetting Google Adsense Settings array( 'client' => '(Value supplied by Google)', 'header' => '1234567890', 'right' => '0987654321' ) (none)
$wgLibertyEnableLiveRC Enables 'Recent Changes' on the right side true true
$wgLibertyMaxRecent Recent X edits appearing in 'Recent Changes' 10 10
$wgLibertyLiveRCArticleNamespaces Namespaces for the first tab in 'Recent Changes' [NS_MAIN, NS_PROJECT, NS_TEMPLATE, NS_HELP, NS_CATEGORY] [NS_MAIN, NS_PROJECT, NS_TEMPLATE, NS_HELP, NS_CATEGORY]

Fill out MediaWiki:Liberty-Navbar article in the following format.

  • First-Level menu:
    * icon=icon | display=display text | title=hover text | link=link | access=shortcut key | class=custom HTML classes | group=required user group | right=required user right
  • Second-Level menu:
    ** icon=icon | display=display text | title=hover text | link=link | access=shortcut key | class=custom HTML classes | group=required user group | right=required user right
  • Third-Level menu:
    *** icon=icon | display=display text | title=hover text | link=link | access=shortcut key | class=custom HTML classes | group=required user group | right=required user right

  • All values are optional, but at least one of icon or display must be set.
  • If title is not set, display is used instead.
  • If you don't want to set some parameters, you can skip them. As an example, if you don't want to set an icon, skip icon=....
  • You can use i18n message names of MediaWiki for the values of display and title to show the i18n messages (e.g. write recentchanges to show Recent changes).
  • Shortcut keys can be used as Alt-Shift-(Key).
  • When setting shortcuts, be careful not to overlap with the default shortcuts provided by MediaWiki.
  • Custom classes are separated by , (e.g. write classA, classB to add classA and classB class).
  • A list of possible icons can be found here at fontawsome.com. All free icons are available to use.

You can see an example on LibreWiki.

Other skins and extensions related to the Bootstrap framework: