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Selenium/How-to/Run tests using a specific browser

From mediawiki.org

Sometimes you have to explicitly specify path to the browser. For example, if you are using Chromium or Chrome for Testing.



This tip works if you're targeting:



Add binary to goog:chromeOptions in tests/selenium/wdio.conf.js.


exports.config = { ...config,
  capabilities: [ {
    browserName: 'chrome',
    'goog:chromeOptions': {
      binary: '/usr/bin/chromium'
  } ],

In a Fresh container, Chromium is in /usr/bin/chromium. I have installed Chrome for Testing in /tmp/chrome/linux-127.0.6533.88/chrome-linux64/chrome.

On MacOs, Homebrew installed Chromium to /opt/homebrew/bin/chromium. I have installed Chrome for Testing to /Applications/chrome/mac_arm-127.0.6533.88/chrome-mac-arm64/Google Chrome for Testing.app/Contents/MacOS/Google Chrome for Testing.

Run Selenium tests

npm run selenium-test

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