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Scrum of scrums/2019-12-11

From mediawiki.org




  • Release Engineering - December 23-January 3rd - No deploys (including train), Holiday break
  • Search Platform is blocked by Structured Data: Data dumps for SDC: phab:T221917



iOS native app


Android native app

  • Updates:
    • Suggested Edits V3 is in Production.
    • Currently working on mobile-html. Work is 70% done.
      • Started looking into Machine vision APIs



Product Infrastructure

  • Updates:
    • BUOD: Patch for EventLogging phab:T238544
    • BUOD: Patch for error logging client phab:T235189
    • Maps: investigated populate_admin error and deployed potential fix phab:T240227
    • Proton: Profiling continues with buster images for node
    • MachineVIsion: Added no-JS fallback to Special:SuggestedTags
    • MachineVision: Added frontend event logging to Special:SuggestedTags
    • MachineVision: Updated suggestion query for performance
    • MachineVision: Tweaked user approval/rejection vote validation behavior
    • Push notifications: Researched approaches and software

Structured Data

  • Blocking:
  • Updates:
    • work continues on new input data types for statements on File page and UW
    • tech talk today at 1800 UTC



UI Standardization

  • Updates:
    • OOUI v0.36.1 in preparation, with a hotfix for v0.36.0, which rollout we stopped for reason of breaking backwards-compatibility in one case.
    • Design Style Guide: Polishing base components in components section



Fundraising Tech

  • Updates:
    • Have a pretty convincing explanation for apparent CentralNotice impression inconsistencies (new campaign fallback feature changed reporting of status codes)
    • Fixing issues with new recurring donations features
    • Optimizing donation imports from queue and from matching gifts spreadsheets

Engineering Productivity


Release Engineering

  • Blocking:
    • Site Reliability Engineering - Requesting follow-up from Releng team regarding Gerrit/Zuul Prometheus metrics gerrit:479139
  • Updates:

Scoring Platform

  • Updates:
    • Improvements to cawiki and euwiki deployed!
    • Limits requests to 50 rev_ids per
    • Model info now uses consistent ordering
    • Advanced editquality support for Norwegian Wikipedia incoming --> Growth
    • Built a machine-readable WikiProject taxonomy. See https://github.com/halfak/wikitax

Search Platform

  • Blocked by:
  • Updates:
    • "Wikidata Query Service Updater" should have 'bot' in the user agent to indicate is a tool - phab:T238106
  • Stuff no one else cares about:
    • NullPointerException in wdqs-updater after last deployment phab:T239131

Site Reliability Engineering

  • Blocked by:
    • Requesting follow-up from Releng team regarding Gerrit/Zuul Prometheus metrics gerrit:479139
  • Updates:
    • Wrapping up goals/OKRs for the end of the quarter.