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Scrum of scrums/2019-09-11

From mediawiki.org




  • SRE says: Possible networking issues at times, redirect bug reports to Numerous people reporting issues saving edits and viewing previews/diffs https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T232491 as the canonical bug for those
  • Release Engineering
    • Train blocked (Core Platform) - T232613 LBFactoryMulti.php PHP Notice: Undefined index:
    • REMINDER: We're at 1.34.0-wmf.22 this week. The last branch for this release will be wmf.25 on 30 September. Teams who want to ship things for MW 1.34 should land them now. (If you do not mark code as deprecated in the next few weeks, you have to maintain it for 9 months.)






  • Updates:
    • Talk Pages: Team is conducting research this week to identify technical constraints for features we will likely need to build, see what can be learned from existing gadgets
    • ve.ui.MWEditModeTool: Fix showing active editor (task T232359) by Bartosz Dziewoński
    • Mobile surfaceReady: Account for selection changing in listeners (task T232136)
    • Fix HTML blacklist inheritance (task T150418)
    • MWLinkAnnotationInspector: track edits to the label field (task T229841)


  • Updates:
    • Set correct merge strategy for help panel links (task T231935)
    • Help panel: Right-align the continue button (task T224256)
    • [LiquidThreads] Another speculative fix for when topmostThread title is not found (task T61791)



iOS native app


Android native app


Product Infrastructure

  • Updates:
    • Research week — full team researching technical requirements for upcoming projects
    • Requested DBA & security readiness reviews for MachineVision

Structured Data

  • Blocking:
  • Updates:
    • UBNs to do with entity ids and page ids clashing resolved
    • mostly working on Machine Vision project, new input types for statements, and finishing off campaigns work


  • Blocked by:
  • Updates:
    • Parsoid/PHP: Ongoing round trip testing and bug fixes

UI Standardization






Fundraising Tech


Core Platform


Engineering Productivity



  • Blocked by:
  • Updates:
    • Speaking at Mozilla's Automationeers Assemble tomorrow: https://m.wiki.mozilla.org/Automationeers_Assemble
    • Ongoing issue with our WebPageTest instance affecting Chrome Emulated Mobile tests, slower by 1s since September 4
    • A performance regression on enwiki identified as affecting only Firefox in synthetic testing turned out to be a significant DOM element increase due to a Cite template update (migration errors) that happened on September 3

Release Engineering


Scoring Platform


Search Platform



  • Updates:
    • Team survey is out and will close end of week
    • Data Map requests for updating / completion will go out to teams on Friday
    • No Security Review updates this week

Site Reliability Engineering

  • Blocking:
  • Updates:
    • Possible networking issues at times, redirect bug reports to Numerous people reporting issues saving edits and viewing previews/diffs https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T232491 as the canonical bug for those
    • wikifeeds is ready to be deployed to kubernetes
    • PHP7 ration bumped to 33%
    • Resuming work on migrating restrouter

Wikimedia DE


