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Scrum of scrums/2018-04-25

From mediawiki.org









iOS native app


Android native app

  • Blocked by:
  • Blocking:
  • Updates:
    • Released Reading list syncing!

Readers Web


Readers Infrastructure

  • Blocked by: None
  • Blocking: None
  • Updates:
    • Work being done by collab team
    • Paul is out next scrum of scrums


  • Updates
    • Wikibase patches for file page prototype going through
    • Search work continuing for 'depicts'
    • File captions - currently working through changing the name of the field for MediaInfo
  • Quarterly goal dependency update:
    • Objective 3.1 Prepare for launch of the first Structured Data on Commons feature (multilingual file captions)
      • SDC depends on Multimedia,SRE, WMDE, Search Platform, MediaWiki Platform, Research
    • Objective 2.1 Integrate structured file captions into search
      • SDC depends on Search Platform, Multimedia
    • Segment 4, Outcome 2: Develop a better understanding of existing needs for Structured Commons- T171252
      • Research depends on Multimedia



Community Tech

  • Blocked by:
  • Blocking:
  • Updates:
    • Just like last week: GlobalPreferences, CodeMirror, TemplateWizard

Anti-Harassment Tools



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    • Updates:


  • Blocked by:
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  • Updates:
    • We are considering removing newline stripping in image captions. See https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#/c/425726/
    • In https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T192037 we are beginning to make wikitext handling a bit more uniform across extensions and outside extensions, so there are fewer surprises / edge cases. That is yet to be flushed out, but is an advance heads up.
    • Tidy removal is going apace -- another 40+ wikis will switch next week.

Increase code sharing of client apps by coalescing and moving more logic to the server.

      • Reading Infra depends on Parsing, Services

Outcome 2: Objective 1: Revision storage scaling phab task ?

      • Services depends on SRE, Parsing




  • Blocked by: None
  • Blocking: None
  • Updates:
  • Quarterly goal dependency update:
    • Goal 3.1 Improve and consolidate our unified editing platform so that it's great on all devices
      • Language depends on Editing

Audiences Design


UI Standardization





  • Blocked by:
  • Blocking:
  • Updates:
    • Wikistats outage: bad data load led to a couple of days of unstable data, found the problems and rolled back, will update again soon, numbers are good now but missing 2018-03
    • Wikistats is a little more mobile touch friendly, hover interaction a little better in general
    • Wikistats titles and meta tags are now more SEO-friendly
    • Spark 2 is now the default spark experience on the cluster
    • lots of prep work for the Kafka cluster upgrade, already started updating some of the machines, monitoring, etc.
    • page preview aggregate data is available now in a Hive table
    • fixed wmf.mediawiki_user_history and wmf.mediawiki_page_history tables (they had bad column names which led to null values)
    • fixed pagecounts-ez and mediacounts datasets outage problem

Cloud Services

  • Blocked by:
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  • Updates:

Fundraising Tech

  • Blocked by:
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  • Updates:
    • DonationInterface: new recurring contribution API for main card processor
    • CiviCRM: Debugging nasty transaction handling failures
    • Working on getting landing page and banner impression EventLogging data into payments cluster DBs

MediaWiki Platform

  • Blocked by:
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  • Updates:
  • Quarterly goal dependency update:

T174022 Implement multi-content revisions, T174023 Implement MCR storage layer, T174045 DB schema migration for MCR, T174044 Deploy MCR storage layer, T174043 Deploy Multi-Content Revisions

      • SDC depends on MediaWiki Platform, WMDE


  • Blocked by:
    • None
  • Blocking:
    • None
  • Updates:
    • Good progress consolidating our tools, getting them out of puppet
    • Rolling out a tool called PerformanceInspector over the next couple of weeks -- will allow community members to get a bunch of performance data about pages on the wikis
    • Doing some optimizations of ResourceLoader
    • Making some fixes to MW Core to prep for PHP7
    • Refactoring Varnish logging stuff to use mtail instead of a couple of deprecated varnish tools
    • mcrouter is now being used in deployment-prep
    • WebPageTest fully migrated over to Linux hosts

Release Engineering

  • Blocked by:
    • rebuildLocalisationCache.php/localization update rebuilds are taking 40 minutes for full scaps (used to take 8minutes)
  • Blocking:
    • none?
  • Updates:
    • 1.32.0-wmf.1 is going out this week, wmf.30 was finally completed Monday
    • Scap MediaWiki canary changes using service-check (hopefully live Soon™, working in beta)
  • Quarterly goal dependency update:



Scoring Platform

  • Blocked by:
  • Blocking:
  • Updates:

Search Platform



  • Blocked by:
  • Blocking:
  • Updates:
  • Quarterly goal dependency update:
    • Goal 3.6: Support work towards unifying MediaWiki's parser implementations, in liaison with Technology's MediaWiki team
      • Parsing depends on MediaWiki Platform, Services


  • Blocked by: Several job serialization tasks, will talk to owners of the said jobs
  • Blocking: none
  • Updates:
    • Enabled support for EventBus and kafka job queue for private wikis
    • Replaced SSDs on restbase1010, rebootstrapped cassandra there
    • CSS endpoint for reading infra deployed
  • Quarterly goal dependency update:

Outcome 2: Objective 1: Revision storage scaling phab task  ?

      • Services depends on SRE, Parsing

Site Reliability Engineering


Outcome 2: Objective 1: Revision storage scaling phab task  ?

      • Services depends on SRE, Parsing



T174022 Implement multi-content revisions, T174023 Implement MCR storage layer, T174045 DB schema migration for MCR, T174044 Deploy MCR storage layer, T174043Deploy Multi-Content Revisions

      • SDC depends on MediaWiki Platform, WMDE

German Technical Wishlist

  • Blocked by:
  • Blocking:
  • Updates:
    • ICU 57 migration done
    • Appservers are being reimaged to Debian Stretch

SoS Meeting Bookkeeping

  • Updates:
    • Request from SRE: Please either add phab tasks to all goals so that work can be tracked and updates can be made in a meaningful way even across large and diverse teams, or let's just drop the quarterly goal dependency updates.