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Scrum of scrums/2015-05-13

From mediawiki.org




  • Event Logging outage last week due to huge volume spike caused data loss. We're backfilling now.
  • Event Logging won't consume your data into mysql until you have 100 events, so low throughput schemas won't show up for a while. A new patch (being tested now) will fix to consume at least every 5 minutes
  • People can't test Event Logging in the beta cluster because /var keeps filling up on deployment-eventlogging02.eqiad.wmflabs. Yuvi enabled the /srv mount but we can't run puppet due to T96921. Need some ops help but Andrew is on vacation. In the meantime I dumped the log db, deleted the /var/lib/mysql/ibdata1 file and reloaded the log db backup.

Fundraising Tech

  • New team members Dylan Kozlowski and Casey Dentinger are in SF this week! Come say hi! :)
  • Last week:
    • Progress on mw-vagrant fundraising role
    • More queue and DonationInterface refactoring and minor improvements
    • Progress on campaign mixins and banner history for CentralNotice
  • This week:
    • Onboarding/training
    • Continuing above-mentioned Vagrant, DonationInterface and CentralNotice work
    • Fixes for issues with some payment processors
  • No blockers, no blocking of other teams' work expected

Search Team



  • Low activity week because of vacations, management-related workload, and OCG work.
  • Parsoid deployments resume today after skipping a couple cycles.
  • We are working through backlogged reviews now.
  • Nothing in the way of blockers for other teams.
  • Waiting on VE team to help review Marc's patches for css-based customization of cite.

Reading (Clients)

  • What has your team done since we last met?
    • Web: Deployed gather to EN Wikivoyage and hewiki
    • iOS: Released 4.1.3
  • Is anything slowing your team down or getting in their way?
    • Apps: Lack of CI, but talking to RelEng about improving support & infra
  • Are you about to put something in another team’s way?
    • (More to come from Adam Baso, but will start training client devs to do work in PHP/JS for back-end requirements)


  • more patches on the cluster
  • T90300 - Aaron?
  • T98557 - Hardening for Citoid (ops)
  • T98313 - Yuri


  • Chad had passionate plea to check out 1.25 Mediawiki bugs
  • Most of team gone next week for team offsite




  • No new inter-team dependencies
  • Waiting on "Perform schema change to echo_target_page changing from a 1 to 1 mapping between pages and user/notification to a 1 to many." ( https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T94427 )
  • Started actual conversion of LQT to Flow on MediaWiki.org. First couple pages are done. Will continue and get all done
  • Continued work on moving header/description from top of board to side rail
  • Started refactoring Flow front-end to use OOJS UI


  • Unblocked LE on a large number of apertium package requests
  • PHP-luasandbox is moving on
  • Meeting about Maps hardware box and moving forward with a postgres labsdb