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Scrum of scrums/2014-04-09

From mediawiki.org

Task Wall









  • Whoa, a release. Tomorrow, barring disaster. mw.org will have MMV turned on by default, preference exists for opt-out.
  • Looking to ops about performance issues still, but nothing terribly blocking for our pilots at least for the next two-ish weeks
  • VE: OOJS issue blocking IE<=8 support, plz halp, see #97
  • Fun high-bandwidth conversations in-office about secret breaking changes (and bugs) in OOJS(UI) last week...need a better place for this maybe (announce list?) (maybe I'm just not on it?)
    • Wikitech sounds good for this


  • Nothing special, really
  • #80 - working on search
  • Should check with Max about ES


  • VE: maintenance for switching edit mode automated test
  • Hiring: reviewing candidate tech task
  • browsertests: maintenance for small changes to preferences
  • turning back on fatals monitor in beta labs post-EQIAD
  • lots and lots of MobileFrontend


  • Most of Ops team in Athens at Ops Meetup
  • In case you haven't heard, there are 3 recent ops hires, say hi!
  • Chase (rush)
  • Giuseppe (_joe_)
  • Filipo (godog)
  • Heartbleed vulnerability
  • will reset sessions soon, see emails
  • stat1 -> stat1003 migration
  • most users are migrated over.
  • Will turn on base::firewall on stat1003 on Friday.
  • still waiting on a few users to respond about bastion access.
  • elasticsearch
  • Nik upgraded to 1.1.0 yesterday
  • otto to reformat all 16 production elasticsearch nodes soon.


  • Largeish deployment tomorrow, VE might break, but then that's not very different from most weeks :)
  • Ongoing collaboration with mobile and Parsoid


  • need to work with VE on how inspectors work (#100)


  • Volley'ing card 82 back to growth :)
  • Oops about deploys
  • heartbleed session tokens reset
  • QUESTION: what are the action items for platfrom re Zero portal???

Partners Engineering / Wikipedia Zero

  • #57 Firefox OS: no progress, but not blocked on RL
  • #76 Portal: Yuri's continuing work, will eventually wire up Varnish to use it as the config web-based JSON backend
  • #2 ESI headers: blocked until upgrade
  • #94 Firefox OS zero integration: please close card
  • #95 Analytics: blocked
  • #96 More X-Analytics field: stalled, will come after other work


  • gerrit / jenkins integration fixes underway
  • gerrit fixed after it was taken down by a labs bot
  • Stefan has left the team
  • Limn change made to make maps easier



