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Scrum of scrums/2013-12-10

From mediawiki.org




Notable action items

  • W0 having discussion with ops on Thursday RE all open dependencies
  • W0 to coordinate with Analytics RE dashboards (#53)
  • Mobile web to determine QA needs during next week's quarterly planning (#51)
  • Various VE/Language dependencies around jsonification stuff (#58)
  • VE blocked on design!
  • Wikidata blocked by Ops on finding a go-to person (#59)
  • Language blocked by Analytics on reviewing a patchset RE measuring google translations (#4)
  • Mobile web blocked by Ops on moving forward with WAP deprecation (#54)

Wikipedia Zero


Adam Basso

  • #2 ESI Headers - Adam & Yuri talking with Ops on Thursday
  • #3 Support SSL - Adam & Yuri talking with Ops on Thursday
  • #17 W0 Varnish Configs - this is complete; nonetheless, Adam & Yuri talking with Ops on Thursday and hope to determine if we can remove extensive if-elseifs in VCL
  • #20 Handle trusted x-forward-for header: Adam & Yuri talking with Ops on Thursday
  • #38 X-Fowarded-By review - Adam & Yuri talking with Ops on Thursday
  • #53 W0 dashboards - Dan Foy talking with Toby soon
  • #55 Click-to-view & cache variance - Dan Foy talking with BizOps team about whether this is a must-have feature; also, Adam & Yuri to talk with Ops on Thursday

Core Features (Flow)


S Page

  • Not attending, deploying later today! (card #24)
  • Excellent security review feedback, thanks.



Chris McMahon

  • Since last time: sorted a number of issues, I removed a number of cards from the wall.
  • Upcoming: multiple meetings with Mobile team for activities and priorities
  • Impediments: nothing new or unusual.
  • Want to support mobile right now since Michelle is gone.
    • Jeff meeting with Tomasz later this week.
    • Mobile web to put together desires for QA during next week's quarterly planning



Chris Steipp

  • Glam wiki going out sometime soon, possible swift impact, Antoine notified about it.



Bryan Davis, Greg Grossmeier

  • Scholarships puppet config has been created and applied to zirconium
  • Scholarships dns change and app deploy waiting pending security review
  • Logstash puppet config in progress:
    • Elasticsearch running on logstash100[1-3] and monitored in ganglia
    • Logstash package in apt
    • Working on a logstash class to configure
  • Scholarships should complete security review this week
    • Hope to deploy next Thursday
  • Logstash will continue move forward



Andrew Otto

  • will deploy to remaining mobile hosts this week, or early next.
  • Magnus now started work on kafkatee, a kafka -> udp2log format consumer. Should be drop in replacement for udp2log.
  • Nodejs upgraded to 0.10 for Parsoid (et al) then rolled back to 0.8 due to memory leak
  • Multiple performance/error issues being debugged at the same time


  • Deployed MediaWiki OAuth to Wikimetrics (we only use it for pseudo-authentication for now).
  • Deployed the webstatscollector update and vetted the results. The new data shows a decrease in pageviews, but it seems to be an organic one.
  • Special page in CentralAuth was being counted, now it's not
  • Still waiting on W0 for how to move forward with dashboards (#53)


  • i18n migration
    • Migrating i18n storage from PHP to JSON
    • Migrating VE standalone to use jquery.i18n with JSON (so it's actually standalone)
    • Filed bugs in jquery.i18n with language team (#58)
    • VE team to implement LocalisationUpdate support for JSON
  • nodejs upgrade (Parsoid)
    • Parsoid team ran into problems with nodejs upgrade to 0.10, Gabriel (Parsoid) and Faidon (ops) sorting it out
  • Rob still helping mobile team with VE alpha
  • Timo doing CI stuff
  • Blocked on design for a lot of things...



Lydia Pintscher

  • Goto person in ops? Looking for performance hints (#59)
    • Going to email Erik, Ken and Faidon.



Matthew Flaschen

  • Draft namespace for English Wikipedia
  • Getting started API for ??? task types
  • Signup



Niklas Laxstrom

Mobile Web


Jon Robson

  • Still awaiting feedback from ops on WAP deprecation questions (#54)
  • Ongoing 500 errors on betalabs (#49)
  • Work on Limn graph issues scheduled for this iteration (#44)
  • Want some post deployment help from QA group to make sure things are ok.
  • Will be doing quarterly planning soon, will hammer out specifically what is wanted from QA