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Previous Action Items

  • Ramsey: We need a QA checklist, with Design elements as a part of that
  • Max to make bluejeans retro meeting

What are we doing that we should keep doing?

  • Talking on tickets!  So good +1
  • Small milestone-based Phab board with actionable tickets – very useful
  • Code walk-throughs in the MediaInfo extension / explaining complex parts of code in person generally+1
  • Design:dev pairings +1 +1🚀🎟️
  • Screensharing when we are referring to/ editing phab tickets so everyone knows what we are discussing (another useful thing is referring to the ticket number) +1 +1 💖
  • The team should continue to experiment with ways to make work visible. And experiment generally  :D
  • Devs running the story meetings

What are we doing that we should stop doing?

  • going to full-time on our standups - the aubergines I had in the oven are burned :(
  • maintaing the same information on multiple boards?  :D
  • unfocused standup ?? it feels like we are just reading notes we wrote instead of focusing on blockers or new info +1 💖🎟️

What should we start doing?

  • teeeestiiing (now we have a tester, hooray!)+1+1🎅 🚀
  • find a place for work in progress that isn't (isn't yet?) part of the next release +1🎅🎟️ 💖 :D
    • curious about the purpose? testing within the team, showcase, user testing, ...?
  • The team should start documenting why we make changes to process, to make good hypotheses and tests, and avoid regression or change for change's sake.+1

Topics voted up

  • find a place for work in progress that isn't (isn't yet?) part of the next release +1🎅🎟️ 💖 :D
    • curious about the purpose? testing within the team, showcase, user testing, ...?
    • We are working on things that are not part of the next release and we should track it
      • Are we actually losing track of this stuff? How much tracking is there to be done?
      • We try to avoid doing stuff that is not core to the release
      • There are tickets for everything
      • What if we track that work on the feature release board?
  • Design:dev pairings +1 +1🚀🎟️
    • It's helpful for seeing what the goal is, hard to capture that without an in-person discussion, such as for acceptance criteria
    • Talking through things helps to find better ways to do things, and tickets will only improve
  • unfocused standup ?? it feels like we are just reading notes we wrote instead of focusing on blockers or new info +1 💖🎟️
    • Feel like we don't want to mess up report, but standup seems like just reading notes
      • Might not read the notes unless we gathered to talk about them
      • Some things are revealed by talking about the note item
      • Not reading the notes sometimes happens because it's not all relevant to everyone
      • Maybe we can avoid "today and tomorrow" and instead focus on blockers
        • Still write the first 2 down, but only discuss blockers
      • We could review the board, too
      • There is also the teamyness of the meeting
  • Screensharing when we are referring to/ editing phab tickets so everyone knows what we are discussing (another useful thing is referring to the ticket number) +1 +1 💖
    • Focusing work on the board has also made it easier to follow the tix
      • Something to keep in mind if we change board structure
    • When the tix are updated live, screensharing helps!
  • teeeestiiing (now we have a tester, hooray!)+1+1🎅 🚀
    • More structure testing, begining with QA checklist
    • A ticket for Edward to start testing
    • There is a QA column
    • Does testing mean automated or human?
      • Human mostly, and identifying candidates for automation
    • More detail for QA the better
      • Someone off the street should be able to do it

Parking Lot

  • do we do retros on incidents like  "unbreak now" stuff. it was very minor but curious if we have this process
  • I'm excited to see the QA/broader-than-QA release checklist :D

Action Items