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Quality Assurance SIG/20171215

From mediawiki.org



Attendees: Elena, Anthony, JR, Erik


  • Last deploy this week - caught a last minute bug.
  • Talked a bit about the cherry pick process in swat


  • Mostly business as usual
  • Changes in print styles (PDFs of our articles)
  • Apps are doing good. Isn't finding as many bugs in Android as in iOS
    • No real reason and not significantly different
  • Multimedia is progressing well.



  • Migration from Ruby to NodeJS
    • Took a lot of work from multiple people to transition from Ruby vs NodeJS
    • Intermitten failures have increased
    • Sharing states is diffiuclt with NodeJS implementation. Needed to create another process to track states.
    • Use code retouines or the latest version of NodeJS.
    • Still using cucumber, that seemed to transition pretty well.
    • 2 months at 40-60% of 2 engineers.
  • Roled out machine learned ranking model.
    • Rolled out to more Wikis this month