I got an account so that I could edit Wikipedia pages. I can't. Wikipedia doesn't recognize my MediaWiki username and password, and I can't get a Wikipedia account no matter what I try.
Project talk:MediaWiki is not Wikipedia/Flow
You should be able to use the same username and password you use here on any Wikipedia (or any public Wikimedia project). Are you sure you have the correct username (it's case sensitive :/)
Yes, it's correct but Wikipedia evidently has no record of an account for me.
@KCStuffedAnimal see Special:CentralAuth/KCStuffedAnimal for the list of wikis that your new account has been used on so far. The username and password that you have used to authenticate to www.mediawiki.org is shared via Wikimedia's m:Help:Unified login system.
Wikipedia is not on the list of accounts I have access to.
Your shared account will be automatically "attached" to https://en.wikipedia.org/ (or any other Wikipedia) when you first login there. If your web browser accepts cookies from Wikimedia projects and has javascript enabled, you should end up logged in on any Wikimedia wiki you visit after logging in here on www.mediawiki.org or any other Wikimedia project wiki that is connected to CentralAuth. Sometimes the javascript that triggers the automatic logins does not run until you visit the login screen on a new wiki.
I have the same problem.
When I try to log in at en.wikipedia.org, I saw an error message:
Auto-creation of a local account failed: Cannot create account: The requested username is already taken by a user on another wiki.
My mediawiki page Special:CentralAuth/Elviswang011 shows that
I have local account on login.wikimedia.org, www.mediawiki.org and meta.wikimedia.org.
Maybe worth mentioning is that I have recently requested password reset.
It is fixed after I clear the cookie... Strange as this seems like a server side issue..
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