Project:Support desk

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Welcome to the MediaWiki Support desk. This is a place where you can ask any questions you have about installing, using or administrating the MediaWiki software.

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  1. To help us answer your questions, please indicate which version of MediaWiki you are using, as found on your wiki's Special:Version page:
  2. If possible, add $wgShowExceptionDetails = true;error_reporting( -1 );ini_set( 'display_errors', 1 ); to LocalSettings.php in order to make MediaWiki show more detailed error messages.
  3. Please include the web address (URL) to your wiki if possible. It's often easier for us to identify the source of the problem if we can see the error directly.
  4. To start a new thread, click the box with the text "Start a new topic".

Force thumbnail generation with PdfHandler?

Kjecl (talkcontribs)

I recently performed an reinstall and database restore of a Wiki to fix a different problem. An unexpected positive side effect was that thumbnails are now generated for new PDF files uploaded to the Wiki. Cool!

Is there a way to force the generation of thumbnails for previously uploaded PDFs? I have tried:

php refreshImageMetadata.php -f

followed by:

php rebuildImages.php

without effect.

Thanks for any suggestions.

Bawolff (talkcontribs)

What do the old images look like? Is there an error message instead of a thumbnail or is it just missing. Does mediawiki show the correct dimensions for the files in question (as in, does it say it is 0x0 pixels or does it give a real number)?

Kjecl (talkcontribs)

Thank you for your interest in my problem.

The thumbnails for older files are a red stylized 'A' on a white background. Nope, no error message.

If I go to the Special:ListFiles page, and click on a red A icon, it shows dimensions of 0 x 0.

I wonder if I could use importImages.php to reload all of the older files. An experiment is in order for one of those files, I think.

Reply to "Force thumbnail generation with PdfHandler?"

Mediawiki S3 Saving error

Egg 3846 (talkcontribs)


Can you help me debug some mediawiki + S3 compatible service errors ? ( image resize / uploads )

It's an error i have on my server but not locally, but i haven't found any obvious difference between the setup yet

I'm using the following :

- mediawiki 1.39.6 ( a canasta image : canasta:1.39.6-20240104-346 )

- AWS extension 0.12.0

- minio

My FileOperation log :

2024-05-03 15:57:57 9de13bf397d2 mediawiki: S3FileBackend: found backend with S3 buckets: mediawiki, mediawiki/thumb, mediawiki/deleted, mediawiki/temp.

2024-05-03 15:57:57 9de13bf397d2 mediawiki: S3FileBackend: doPrepareInternal: S3 bucket mediawiki, dir=temp/4/42, params=noAccess, noListing, dir

2024-05-03 15:57:57 9de13bf397d2 mediawiki: S3FileBackend: doSecureInternal: creating temp/.htsecure in S3 bucket mediawiki

2024-05-03 15:57:57 9de13bf397d2 mediawiki: S3FileBackend: exception [Null] in doSecureInternal from PutObject ({"Bucket":"mediawiki","Key":"temp/.htsecure","Body":"","@http":[],"@context":[]}): Error executing "PutObject" on "xxxx:9000/mediawiki/temp/.htsecure"; AWS HTTP error: Client error: `PUT xxxx:9000/mediawiki/temp/.htsecure` resulted in a `404 Not Found` response:


<TITLE>Network Error</TITLE>



<FONT face="Helvetica">

<big><strong></strong></ (truncated...)

Unable to parse error information from response - Error parsing XML: String could not be parsed as XML

2024-05-03 15:57:57 9de13bf397d2 mediawiki: S3FileBackend: doCreateInternal(): saving temp/4/42/20240503155757!phpp5WIrX.jpg in S3 bucket mediawiki (sha1 of the original file: jlb3z7ca9kw98dqons8c4pfh0sgo92m, Content-Type: image/jpeg)

2024-05-03 15:57:58 9de13bf397d2 mediawiki: S3FileBackend: exception [Null] in createOrStore from PutObject (false): Error executing "PutObject" on "xxxx:9000/mediawiki/temp/4/42/20240503155757%21phpp5WIrX.jpg"; AWS HTTP error: Client error: `PUT xxxx:9000/mediawiki/temp/4/42/20240503155757%21phpp5WIrX.jpg` resulted in a `404 Not Found` response:


<TITLE>Network Error</TITLE>



<FONT face="Helvetica">

<big><strong></strong></ (truncated...)

Unable to parse error information from response - Error parsing XML: String could not be parsed as XML

2024-05-03 15:57:58 9de13bf397d2 mediawiki: S3FileBackend: Performance: 0.127 second spent on: uploading temp/4/42/20240503155757!phpp5WIrX.jpg to S3

2024-05-03 15:57:58 9de13bf397d2 mediawiki: StoreFileOp failed: {"src":"/tmp/phpp5WIrX","dst":"mwstore://AmazonS3/local-temp/4/42/20240503155757!phpp5WIrX.jpg","overwrite":true,"headers":[],"failedAction":"attempt"}

Bawolff (talkcontribs)

The 404 responses make me wonder if the domain/port for the s3 bucket is set correctly.

2A01:CB00:B46:200:34EE:2610:62DE:B056 (talkcontribs)

I found an SSL certificate error for a self signed certificate, do you know if i can ignore this with an option on AWS extension ?

Reply to "Mediawiki S3 Saving error"

Format text in <pre> tag

Lucamauri (talkcontribs)

Even if <pre> tag encloses a preformatted text, HTML supports formatting of the block as explained here .

For instance, the following code:

    This is preformatted text.
  It should be <span style="color:red;">further formattable</span>

should produce a block of text with the last part in color red.
This works if you try it on CodePen or similar website, but produces this output in MediaWiki:

    This is preformatted text.
  It should be <span style="color:red;">further formattable</span>

So the color is ignored.
Why this happens? And anyone knows how to workaround it?


星耀晨曦 (talkcontribs)

See m:Help:HTML in wikitext#Pre. You can use following way:

 It should be <span style="color:red;">further formattable</span>


It should be further formattable
Lucamauri (talkcontribs)

Thanks for your effort, but unfortunately I can't use this method instead. I am importing into my Wiki several already-existing PRE blocks containing spaces, so I cannot simply add a space in front of each row.

Xin344 (talkcontribs)

I have the same issue and not solve.

Reply to "Format text in <pre> tag"
2A02:A03F:66D9:F301:512D:41C:6D44:DFFF (talkcontribs)

Hello everyone !

I recently installed mediawiki with the 'Parser' extension.

But when I try to log in to my wiki, I get this error :

"[ZkDhPaXGad5SVb3nIP2RQAAAAAM] /wiki_test2/index.php?title=Accueil MWException: Parser state cleared while parsing. Did you call Parser::parse recursively? Lock is held by: #0 /var/www/alternc/t/titouan/www/ Parser->lock()"

Does anyone have an idea what might be causing this ?

Thanks :)

Bawolff (talkcontribs)

I have never heard of an extension named "Parser". Presumably the extension is broken.

2A02:A03F:66D9:F301:512D:41C:6D44:DFFF (talkcontribs)

i think the extension is called ParserFunctions. its under the Syntax Analyser Add-ons options when you install mediawiki

Bawolff (talkcontribs)

There is a very big difference between "Parser" and "ParserFunctions".

Normally the error message should be longer then that. The rest of the error message likely provides information on the cause of the problem.

Syntax Analyzer Add-ons is not a product we make (nor have i ever heard of it). If you are having trouble with a third party distribution of MediaWiki, consider using the official version at Download. The amount of help we can provide for unofficial distributions made by third parties is limited.

2A02:A03F:66D9:F301:2D10:2604:D876:5217 (talkcontribs)


I don't think this is a third party issue since I downloaded via the official mediawiki site. However I might have gotten the name of the categories wrong since I installed it in French (it was called 'greffons d'analyseur syntaxique') and I'm not sure what the English name is.

The whole error message is pretty long so I'm going to spilt it to avoid getting blocked. Here is the first part :

[ZkIaXNlSSMkzRXDjL4XVsgAAACk] /wiki_test2/index.php?title=Accueil MWException: Parser state cleared while parsing. Did you call Parser::parse recursively? Lock is held by: #0 /var/www/alternc/t/titouan/www/ Parser->lock()

2A02:A03F:66D9:F301:2D10:2604:D876:5217 (talkcontribs)
Reply to "parser error"

Logged in. But not on Boobpedia

Erikasteele (talkcontribs)

I'm logged in here but not Boobpedia i don't think. I'm not getting the little white star to watch pages yet. I've tried resting throygh the email but but getting the emails . Any advice? Please and thank you. Erika

Reply to "Logged in. But not on Boobpedia"

Page not getting marked for translation

Dan Shick (WMDE) (talkcontribs)

Hi there,

We created a template for the new Wikibase main page. The latest revisions are two weeks old and have not been marked for translation -- perhaps because this is the revision set in which we removed the DoNotTranslate template. Would it be possible to get this page marked for translation?: Template:Wikibase main page

Thanks, and if we did something wrong in this process please let us know so we can avoid this situation in future.

Bawolff (talkcontribs)

Yes Done

For future reference, these types of requests should go to Project:Village pump not this page.

Dan Shick (WMDE) (talkcontribs)

Thank you, sorry for the misplaced ask.

Reply to "Page not getting marked for translation"

help : cannot use a Tunit inside a syntaxhighlight

Wladek92 (talkcontribs)
TheDJ (talkcontribs)

There is no substitution inside syntaxhighlighting. It takes code as is and wikicode doesn't really do anything there (not really true, because categorization works, but that is because it happens outside of the rendering pipeline of highlighted fragments).

Bawolff (talkcontribs)

You can try #tag, but that presents its own set of challenges

Reply to "help : cannot use a Tunit inside a syntaxhighlight"
CircularAsia (talkcontribs)

I have created a Glossary of Terms that currently has a few hundred terms. The Glossary is specifically terms used in the Circular Economy, Sustainability, Climate Change, Biodiversity and Resource Scarcity. However, over the next few months, it will expand significantly. The Glossary is only available in pdf format but I would like to make it digital, hence a wiki.

The number of users creating the wiki will be very small, but the number of people accessing the wiki will be thousands. Here are my questions:

1. For external visitors, can I turn off access to make changes?

2. Can I add tags? For example, the Glossary covers terms across many industry sectors. However, if you are from the building industry, only interested in terms related to buildings, if those terms were tagged 'Built Environment' - could a page show a list only of those terms? The types of terms that would be listed are: 'Embodied Carbon', 'Concrete - low carbon', 'Concrete Floors - embodied carbon' etc. So a visitor would see a page with all the terms tagged 'Built Environment' and then click on the term they were interested in.

In the example from SEEBoK, they also have a Glossary which is a category. If you click onto a term, only the definition from that term comes up.

This would not be suitable for the type of Wiki I wish to build.

Adrienna Zsakay


Circular Economy Asia Inc

ABN: 99 234 005 090


Bawolff (talkcontribs)
Reply to "Tags"

The Translation tool has too many problems

Filipe46 (talkcontribs)

I already complained about that, made the ticket and everything. Yet, no solutions were presented.

The tool keeps flagging every single stretch of the text as having 100% to 96% unmodified text, thus blocking the publication of the article. Almost every translation keeps giving me the false-positive of it being an earlier version of the article, thus also impeding the publication of the same.

The tool never saves the infobox, thus forcing me to remake it every time I open the translation. It keeps losing entire paragraphs already translated, thus wasting my time in re-translating the same thing 3 or 4 times.

It also clashes auto translation with my translations, usually on links.

Malyacko (talkcontribs)
Reply to "The Translation tool has too many problems"

Remove file category information

Snow white and dwarves (talkcontribs)

In my personal wiki, an image file is listed as „Media contained in category X“ on a category cover page. I'd like to remove the media file from this category, but I can't, as the image page itself contains no category information.

What makes things even worse is that the image file is not only listed on the category page but its name is overwritten by the string „file is missing“.

Can I get rid of this through maintenance scripts or fiddling with SQL? Thanks for your help!

Bawolff (talkcontribs)

Sometimes this can happen if the title contains invalid UTF-8 (And there are two files with basically the same name but one in an invalid variant of UTF-8).

try running cleanupTitles.php.

The alternative is to try and find the page id of the image via the api, and manipulate it that way. However the maintenance script is much easier.

Snow white and dwarves (talkcontribs)

Thanks for your answer, Bawolff!

Running cleanupTitles.php renamed quite a few files in my database.

Unfortunately, the sticky media file is still on the category page. I have to try out the API way I guess… :-(

Snow white and dwarves (talkcontribs)

I finally succeeded in deleting the sticky media file by using nukePage.php with the page name "File:…" and --delete option as arguments. Yeah!

Reply to "Remove file category information"