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Project:Pywikibot/Wikidata/Rewrite proposal

From mediawiki.org

A proposal on how the rewrite datapage/relevant classes should look:

#!/usr/bin/env python
Copyright (C) 2013 Pywikipediabot team
Released under MIT License
import pywikibot
from pywikibot.data import api

class WikibasePage(Page):
    The base page for the wikibase extension
    def __init__(self, source, title=u""):
        pywikibot.Page.__init__(self, source, title)
        self._save = {'labels': {}, 'descriptions': {}, 'aliases': {}}  # holder

    def __get_language(self, source):
        if isinstance(source, pywikibot.Site):
            return source.language()
        source = source.replace('-','_')
        if not source.endswith('wiki'):
            source += 'wiki'
        return source

    def __normalize_qid(self, qid):
            return 'q' + str(qid)
        except ValueError:
            if qid.lower().startswith('q'):
                return qid.lower()
                #at this point we just have bad input
        raise pywikibot.exceptions.BadTitle

    def __defined_by(self):
        returns the parameters needed by the API
        to identify an item.
        Once an item's "q##" is looked up, that
        will be used for all future requests.
        params = {}
        #qid overrides all
        if hasattr(self, 'id'):
            params['ids'] = self.id
            return params

        if not self.title().upper().startswith('P'):
            raise pywikibot.exceptions.BadTitle
        #the rest only applies to ItemPages, but is still useful here.

        if isinstance(self.site, pywikibot.Page):
            params['sites'] = self.__normalize_site(self.site.site())
            params['titles'] = self.site.title()
        elif isinstance(self.site, pywikibot.DataSite):
            params['ids'] = self.__normalize_qid(self.title)
        elif isinstance(self.site, pywikibot.Site):
            params['sites'] = self.__normalize_site(self.site)
            params['titles'] = self.title
            raise pywikibot.exceptions.BadTitle
        return params

    def get(self, force=False):
        Fetches all page data, and caches it
        force will override caching
        if force or not hasattr(self, '_content'):
            params = dict(**self.__defined_by())
            params['action'] = 'wbgetentities'
            req = api.Request(**params)
            data = req.submit()
            if not 'success' in data:
                raise pywikibot.data.api.APIError, data['errors']
            self.qid = data['entities'].keys()[0]
            self._content = data['entities'][self.qid]
        self._aliases = {}
        for lang in self._content['aliases']:
            self._aliases[lang] = list()
            for value in self._content['aliases'][lang]:
        self._labels = {}
        for lang in self._content['labels']:
            self._labels[lang] = self._content['labels'][lang]['value']

        self._descriptions = {}
        for lang in self._content['descriptions']:
            self._descriptions[lang] = self._content['descriptions'][lang]['value']

        return {'aliases':self._aliases,

    def label(self, lang=None):
        Returns the label used by the specified language
        If no lang is specified, it returns a dict with all labels
        if lang:
            return self.get()['labels'][self.__get_language(lang)]
            return self.get()['labels']

    def label(self, text, lang):
        Sets the label for the specified language
        self._save['labels'][self.__get_language(lang)] = text

    def label(self, lang, summary=None):
        Removes the label for the specified language (a site object0
        self._save['labels'][self.__get_language(lang)] = None

    def description(self, lang=None):
        Returns the description used by the specified language
        If no lang is specified, it returns a dict with all description
        if lang:
            return self.get()['descriptions'][self.__get_language(lang)]
            return self.get()['descriptions']

    def description(self, text, lang):
        Sets the description for the specified language
        self._save['descriptions'][self.__get_language(lang)] = text

    def description(self, lang):
        Removes the description for the specified language
        self._save['descriptions'][self.__get_language(lang)] = None

    def alias(self, lang=None):
        Returns the alias used by the specified language
        If no lang is specified, it returns a dict with all aliases
        if lang:
            return self.get()['descriptions'][self.__get_language(lang)]
            return self.get()['descriptions']

    def alias(self, text, lang, summary=None):
        Sets the alias for the specified language
        lang = self.__get_language(lang)
        if lang in self._save['aliases']:
            self._save['aliases'][lang] = list(text)

    def alias(self, lang, summary=None):
        Removes the alias for the specified language (a site object0

    def save(self, summary, **kwargs):
        Save whatever we added/removed/etc.

class ItemPage(WikibasePage):
    def __init__(self, source, title=u""):
        WikibasePage.__init__(self, source, title)
        if not self.title().upper().startswith(u'Q'):
            raise ValueError(u"'%s' is not a item page!" % title)

    def __init__(self, site, title=None):
        defined by qid XOR site AND title
        site=pywikibot.Page & title=None
        site=pywikibot.DataSite & title=Q42
        site=pywikibot.Site & title=Main Page
        self.site = site
        self.title = title
        if isinstance(self.site, pywikibot.Site):
            self.repo = self.site.data_repository()
        elif isinstance(self.site, pywikibot.Page):
            self.repo = self.site.site().data_repository()
            self.repo = self.site

    def itemByPage(cls, page):
        Get the ItemPage based on a Page that links to it
        return ItemPage(cls, page.site(), page.title())

    def __defined_by(self):
        returns the parameters needed by the API
        to identify an item.
        Once an item's "q##" is looked up, that
        will be used for all future requests.
        params = {}
        #qid overrides all
        if hasattr(self, 'id'):
            params['ids'] = self.id
            return params

        if isinstance(self.site, pywikibot.Page):
            params['sites'] = self.__normalize_site(self.site.site())
            params['titles'] = self.site.title()
        elif isinstance(self.site, pywikibot.DataSite):
            params['ids'] = self.__normalize_qid(self.title)
        elif isinstance(self.site, pywikibot.Site):
            params['sites'] = self.__normalize_site(self.site)
            params['titles'] = self.title
            raise pywikibot.exceptions.BadTitle
        return params

    def __normalize_site(self, siteobj):
        lang = siteobj.language()
        lang = lang.replace('-','_')
        lang += 'wiki'
        return lang

    def __make_site(self, dbname):
        lang = dbname.replace('wiki','')
        lang = lang.replace('_','-')
        return pywikibot.Site(lang, 'wikipedia')

    def __normalize_qid(self, qid):
            return 'q' + str(qid)
        except ValueError:
            if qid.lower().startswith('q'):
                return qid.lower()
            #at this point we just have bad input
        raise pywikibot.exceptions.BadTitle

    def get(self, force=False, *args):
        Fetches all page data, and caches it
        force will override caching
        args are the values of props
        if force or not hasattr(self, '_content'):
            params = dict(**self.__defined_by())
            params['action'] = 'wbgetentities'
            if args:
                params['props'] = '|'.join(args)
            req = api.Request(**params)
            data = req.submit()
            if not 'success' in data:
                raise pywikibot.data.api.APIError, data['errors']
            self.id = data['entities'].keys()[0]
            self._content = data['entities'][self.qid]
        self._aliases = {}
        for lang in self._content['aliases']:
            self._aliases[lang] = list()
            for value in self._content['aliases'][lang]:
        self._labels = {}
        for lang in self._content['labels']:
            self._labels[lang] = self._content['labels'][lang]['value']

        self._descriptions = {}
        for lang in self._content['descriptions']:
            self._descriptions[lang] = self._content['descriptions'][lang]['value']

        self._claims = []

        self._sitelinks = {}
        for dbname in self._content['sitelinks']:
            site = self.__make_site(dbname)
            self._sitelinks[site] = pywikibot.Page(site, self._content['sitelinks'][dbname]['title'])

        return {'aliases': self._aliases,
                'labels': self._labels,
                'descriptions': self._descriptions,
                'sitelinks': self._sitelinks,
                'claims': self._claims

    def properties(self, force=False):
        Get the various properties for that item.
        force will override caching

    def sitelinks(self, force=False):
        Get all of the sitelinks
        force will override caching
        return self.get(force=force)['sitelinks']

    def sitelink(self, site, force=False):
        Returns a page object for the specific site
        site is a pywikibot.Site
        force will override caching
        If the item doesn't have that language, raise NoPage
        sitelinks = self.get(force=force)['sitelinks']
        if not site in sitelinks:
            raise pywikibot.NoPage
            return sitelinks[site]

    def addSitelink(self, page, overwrite=False, summary=None):
        Will add a sitelink pointing to the pywikipedia.Page object provided
        Will not overwrite unless overwrite is set to True
        Summary is an optional edit summary to be provided

    def removeSitelink(self, site, summary=None):
        Site is a site object representing the language to be removed
        Summary is an optional edit summary to be provided

class PropertyPage(WikibasePage):
    def __init__(self, source, title=u""):
        WikibasePage.__init__(self, source, title)
        if not self.title(withNamespace=False).upper().startswith(u'P'):
            raise ValueError(u"'%s' is not a property page!" % title)

    def get_type(self):
        Returns the type that this item uses
        Examples: item, commons media file, StringValue, NumericalValue

class QueryPage(WikibasePage):
    For future usage, not implemented yet
    raise NotImplementedError

class Claim(PropertyPage):
    def __init__(self, site, pid, snak):
        Defined by the "snak" value, supplemented by site + pid
        PropertyPage.__init__(self, site, pid)

    def get_target(self):
        Returns object that the property is associated with.

    def get_sources(self):
        Yields a PropertyInstance for each source

    def add_source(self, source):
        source is a PropertyInstance.
        adds it as a reference.