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From mediawiki.org

Defsam is a script for standard edit summaries



Add the following code to your defsam.js:

// Own script for                *
// standard edit summaries.           *
//                               *
// By: Sumurai8                  *
// Problems/bugs: My talk        *
//Toevoegen van de samenvattingen:
array_sam = 
  { "<add a name>": "<add text>",
    "<add a name>": "<add text>",
    "<add a name>": "<add text>",
    "<add a name>": "<add text>"
//until here
jQuery( document ).ready( function( $ ) {
  $('<span id="standaardsamenvattingen">Standaard: </span>').insertBefore( $('#wpSummaryLabel') )
  jQuery.each(array_sam, function(naam, sam) {
      $('<a style="cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;"></a>').text(naam).click( function() {
      } )
  } )
  $(document.createTextNode('; ')).insertAfter('#standaardsamenvattingen a')
} );

The source of this script is from Wikipedia by Sumurai8. Text from Wikipedia is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 & GDFL.



When you have added the previous text in your defsam.js, you must add the following text in your common.js or <skinnname>.js




Is there a problem? Contact Southparkfan or Sumurai8.