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This page is a translated version of the page New Editor Experiences and the translation is 81% complete.
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新編輯者體驗(New Editor Experiences)是是2017-18年度Wikimedia Foundation项目,研究了更好地吸引人们的方法和留住新手編輯在中型維基百科的方式。




This work led to the establishment of the Growth team in 2018 and shaped the team's priorities and strategy.


主条目: m:Research:New editor experiences, 2017


Our research focused on the Korean Wikipedia (we traveled to South Korea May 17–30 and did 30 interviews) and the Czech Wikipedia (we traveled to the Czech Republic June 13–27 and did 34 interviews). For details of how these were selected, see community selection.



我们从研究中得出以下主要发现; 有关更多详细信息,请参阅完整报告

  1. 人们出于各种原因编辑维基百科,除了编辑维基百科之外,其中大多数都是使用。
  2. 维基百科的重要性是它吸引新编辑的最大优势和最大弱点
  3. Inspiring, trusted, and well-connected intermediaries are a critical asset in recruiting and supporting new editors.
  4. As readers, many editors see the Korean and Czech Wikipedia as limited, and seamlessly supplement their information with more comprehensive or deep sources. This means that as editors, they are less likely to contribute to those Wikipedias because the content gap that needs to be filled feels too large. This perception creates a vicious cycle that prevents medium-sized wikis from reaching a critical mass of value.
  5. The complexity and separation of how Wikipedia is made, and the community behind it, make it difficult to convert readers to editors, and new editors to experienced editors.
  6. 人们必须对其内容知识充满信心才会编辑维基百科。
  7. Successful editors tend to build their 'contribution skills' through iterative, progressive learning in safe spaces where the stakes are lower.
  8. 新编辑最大的挑战不是技术问题,而是概念问题。他们很难学习维基百科的方针以及如何通过“维基百科的方式”塑造内容。
  9. 编辑过程和支持它们的机制(例如与其他编辑器,帮助页面的通信)不直观或不可发现,使新编辑难以学习和进步。
  10. 新编辑在维基百科之外寻求帮助,因为他们更喜欢有针对性的,有时是个人的支持。
  11. The way in which a piece of feedback is framed is critical to whether it encourages new editors to continue the Wikipedia journey or disempowers and discourages them from further contributions.




  • 上下文帮助:自动向新用户提供与他们当时正在进行的活动相关的少量帮助。
  • 人员帮助和指导:来自经验丰富的编辑的一对一帮助,无论是面对面还是在线。
  • 任务建议:针对特定任务(包括小贡献)的建议,新编辑可以根据他们的兴趣,能力或最近的贡献来做。
A diagram showing the relationship of our goal, strategic focuses, and tactics.


该项目由首席设计研究员Abbey Ripstra和产品分析师Neil Patel Quinn管理。其执行发起人是首席产品官Toby Negrin。


  • Amir Aharoni, 产品分析师
  • Juliet Barbara, 通讯主任
  • Daisy Chen, 设计研究员
  • María Cruz, 沟通和宣传产品经理
  • Benoît Evellin, 社群关系专家
  • James Forrester, 高级产品经理
  • Grace Gellerman, 项目经理
  • Aaron Halfaker, 首席研究科学家
  • Rita Ho, 高级用户体验设计师
  • Yongmin Hong, 韩语社群大使
  • Sati Houston, 授予影响战略家
  • Pau Giner, 高级用户体验设计师
  • Melody Kramer, 受众发展经理
  • Joe Mattazoni, 产品经理
  • Jonathan Morgan, 高级设计研究员
  • Ed Sanders, 首席软件工程师
  • Sherry Snyder, 社群联络员
  • Alex Stinson, 社群项目策略师
  • Martin Urbanec, 捷克语社群大使, Wikimedia Česká republika
  • Ben Vershbow, 牵头项目经理
  • Nick Wilson, 社群联络员

对于在捷克共和国和韩国进行研究的团队,请参阅meta:Research:New Editor Experiences, 2017



特别是,作为年度计划的一部分, WMF贡献者团队计划在本财政年度开展产品开发工作。开发的技术工具可能针对新的贡献者或与他们交互的有经验的编辑,或两者兼而有之。



在完成上述研究和概念开发研讨会后,对“新编辑需要什么才能成功?” 进行了跟进研究。这项工作的成果提供了新编辑在他们在用户行程中向维基百科提供内容时的需求和挑战的详细列表。完成这项工作是为了支持增长团队建立解决方案。


  • Listing the challenges and then defining the needs of new editors as they move through their user journey to begin contributing content to Wikipedias. This was done by reviewing all the notes documents from field interviews with new editors in Czech Republic and South Korea, and pulling out the more detailed challenges and needs that informed the research findings described above.
  • Working with our ambassadors and the mentors in Czech, Korean and French Wikipedia communities who provided:
    • lists of the questions new editors ask, arranged by frequency (very frequent, frequent, and not frequent)
    • lists of the challenges that the same mentors from the same communities perceive new editors having(also arranged by frequency).

All this content was organized and summarized to create the design tools below.

