Mobile web/Etherpad/Q2 Planning 2013-2014
Mobile web and apps 2013-2014 Q2 Planning (18 September 2013, 10am-2pm PDT)
[edit]Goals/hopes/concerns [Arthur] Goal: Gain clarity around overall expectations and desires of department Product visioning, setting quarterly goals [Kenan] Goal: Unify department on quarterly goal(s) User stories [Arthur] Goal: Gain clarity and some consensus around high-level features Story prioritization [Kenan] Goal: Prepare high-level priorities of generated stories to focus further conversation Estimation/team discussion [Arthur/Tomasz] Goal: Get relative estimations of stories, identify dependencies, risks, etc. Group discussion of findings [Arthur] Goal: Identify at a high level how stories evolved; identify areas of alignment/overlap between apps/web Quick retrospective [Arthur] Goal: Identify how to improve quarterly (and annual) planning meetings in the future.
NB the agenda changed during day-of; we focussed on defining the quarterly goal for the department, did some user story generation, and wrapped up with the retrospective.
What does success/failure look like for the quarter?
[edit]- Keep exceeding the goals we've set
- Mobile editing - do it!
- Keeping the mobile site lean
- Higher quality edits
- Set ourselves up to learn more from our failures
- More external visibility into our successes and failures
- stop using desktop as a reference for ourselves
- MobileFrontend default view for tablets
- Users see the features they want, and they work seamlessly
- defining what QA means to us across engineering, product, and design
- mobile apps supplement mobile web for power users
- balancing experimental with 'mature' features
- more editors on non-english wikis
- 2x the number of mobile contributors
- more desktop features available on mobile web
- more mobile features on the desktop site
- VE on tablets
- pushing out new features quickly
- more ops, and friendly ones
- good team morale
- we measurably improve the user experience for mobile users
- hiring an additional dev
- apps do have features that web cannot
- transitioning product ownership of apps and web
- less technical debt, more code in core
- quick responses to bugs, low amount of open bugs that haven't been reopened
- community members are talking about us
[edit]- Chasing our contrib goals, we forget our readers
- Not challenging the status quo
- Selfie-pocalypse reloaded (part 3)
- users see features that don't work
- bad editor retention
- WP Zero users get charged unexpectedly
- mobile has custom implementations of sharing code with desktop features
- power users hijack mobile.css and put all their pet features on mobile
- we do a little bit of work on lots of things, but none of them get finished
- mobile apps rarely used or confusing to users
- getting other teams to develop for MobileFrontend [as opposed to developing mobile-friendly features in their own extensions, etc]
- edits escalate but the quality of edits decline
- community completely ignores all our app/web features
- only current unmaintained wikipedia app in stores
- we don't support sister projects as well as enwiki
- we make a new app and it gets bad reviews
- things rot in alpha
- no clear definition for the app team
- we do not kill WAP support
- low-quality edits
- inconsistent app/mobile experience
- mobile web becomes sluggish and buggy as we add more features
- we attract contributors but they don't become community members
- bad visibility of our work in other teams
- distraction by 'shiny things' rather than fundamental things
[edit]Converting mobile account creators into active contributors. (NB Concrete, measurable goal with metrics TBD)
[edit]- Yuvi socialization (having everyone in-person)
- Story generation
- Team cross-polination
- No laptops/screens/tech
- Goal setting
- Parking lot
- Lunch
- Having Zero team present
- Colaborative goal setting
- Timeboxing
- No shoes
- Lo-tech
Didn't work
[edit]- The room was too small
- Delayed attendance
- Pens didn't work
- Goal setting process to rushed, chaotic, circular conversation
- Lack of clarity around success/failure activity
- No shared preparation for the planning
- Too focussed on mobile web, not enough focus on apps
What's still puzzling
[edit]- What happens now with the lo-tech assets we generated?
- Things will be entered into Mingle, wiki pages, etc
- How can we engage others outside of the mobile department in future planning sessions?
Parking lot
[edit]- Mobile-ification of Vector
- Focussing on Wikivoyage
- Counting non-main namespace edits for community health
- Should we broaden our support for editing?
- Why do some users use desktop on mobile?
- Coordinating a mobile editor survey