Mobile web/Etherpad/2013-2014 Q2 Mobile web meetings
2013-2014 Q2 Mobile web discussions, 19 September 2013
[edit]- Quarterly retrospective
- Brainstorm topics for discussion
- Discussion about deployments
- Discussion about QA/code coverage
- Discussions around top brainstormed topics
[edit]What worked?
[edit]- We have Echo, Editing and all sorts of things yey!
- bingle
- naming iterations
- Kenan and Maryana's transition :)
- trolling arthur+++
- Arthur's month long vacation didn't seem to have a huge negative impact (except for making it harder to get code review for Max)
- Taking care of many bugs
- HTMLFormatter stuff
- Responding well to bugs - could be even clearer
- Good data instrumentation
- Strong excitement across org
- Remote work support
- Now have more people who can deploy (+documentation)
- volunteer patch! \o/
What didn't?
[edit]- visibility of alpha/beta features - some we just forgot about - Alpha as a place for features to bitrot+++++++ [Jon]
- bingle could do more for me - resolving duplicates, backlogging enhancements, transitions +++ [Arthur]
- Didn't QA editing across projects - generally QA'ing across many projects that are not enwiki +++ [Michelle]
- communicating with ops / cross team working +++ [Arthur/Erik M]
- Documentation is hard to find [Kaldari]
- Bugs that are actually stories++
- lost momentum with Wikimania / All staff - lots of collaboration happened though +
- felt a bit overloaded by design discussions + ^ (same as above?)
- some lower priority but important code maintenance patches rotted/died (minerva, ajax page loading alpha)
- writing stories for the sake of stories
- certain stories felt like they could only be achieved by Max which is somewhat worrying
- our velocity graphs look totally f'd+
- Could've fixed more bugs +
- Could get even better abour communicating to rest of org
What still puzzles us?
[edit]- How screwed are we if Max gets sick? get Arthur to do less scrum mastery:P
- how do we solve the thank trolling problem
- Should all features put into beta have eventlogging built in as a precondition
- How do we attract more volunteer developers
- if we wontfix something how we can stop someone from reopening it..?!
- Features in alpha, beta, promoted to stable
- Browser support +++
Agenda brainstorm
[edit]- Browser support / die WAP die++++++
- Performance is a feature++++++
- Moving more code to core (less custom code)+++++
- Involving the community more++
- Alpha / Beta+
Browser support
[edit]- WAP support on site, but we spend no dev time on it and do not test it
- bug today about popular WAP browser not supporting proto-relative URLs
- Max wants to drop WAP support
- Need updated #s for Zero WAP usage
- Current WAP detection doesn't make any sense; only real solution is to come up with a full list of browsers that can't handle our HTML but that sucks because we'd need to test on a bagillion low-end devices
- What does support vs not support mean? Do we test on all those browsers?
- Don't support: We don't test, if we get bugs they are marked 'wontfix'
- Support: Good faith effort to fix bugs
- Would be nice to be able to drop a user-agent header into a form and see the % of usage
- Maybe three levels of support: reader support, editor support, non-critical support
- Kenan will work on getting list of browsers and % of traffic
- Juliusz wants to make sure some engineers are involved in defining whether we support or not
- Browsers can be grouped in different ways, see the above link for examples, e.g. sometimes Android 4 != Android 4 because 4.0 has a bug that 4.1 doesn't
- Juliusz wants to make sure some engineers are involved in defining whether we support or not
- But usage needs to be considered in a way sliced globally
- a browser that has 1% worldwide traffic might have 30% traffic in developing targeted countries
- Need communication with Zero team
- Issues following standards, particularly with WAP/WML
[edit]- Kenan will get better data; update browser support per quarter based on qualitative AND quantitiative metrics; decide how we'll provide testing coverage; if bugs come in for 'supported' browsers we make good-faith effort to fix otherwise wontfix
- Do we support WAP now? Kenan will get numbers and we'll make a decision asap
[edit]- HTMLFormatter-related stuff should be measured
- Client side vs server-side performance
- Client side - Juliusz wants metrics on the full client side experience; first byte received -> fully rendered and JS loaded
- Kenan - 'time to first paint'
- Do we currently have performance standards, particularly for desktop
- Kenan wants to talk to PMs in other orgs to get a sense of their baselines/standards
- NavigationTiming records DNS resolution, how long to transfer HTML, page load time, etc
- Maybe use top 10 articles as baseline for rendering times
- take into account where you are in the world, maybe even carrier
- Easy to get lost in sea of numbers around performance; can we use a particular page as a benchmark that we periodically check?
- How good is our performance RIGHT NOW?
- Let's get a benchmark of how our performance is right now, compare to sites with similar audience
- Establish 3-5 metrics we can use for ongoing performance tracking
- eg how long does it take for lead section to load
- Measure data transfer (for initial page load)
[edit]- Kenan's going to talk to other PMs etc for benchmarking
- Kenan's going to define spike(s) for finding our benchmarks
- Juliusz will continue working with Ori around navtiming etc
QA/code coverage
[edit]- figure out where we need to add aditional unit tests
- determine code coverage for PHP/JS and ensure that it's being reviewed before we begin working on sepcific code areas
- don't want to do arbitrary tests, rather informed tests that are meaningful
- we'll be guineapigs/trail blazers for these tools
- high expectations for unit tests around core code
- Selenium tests?
- We get notifications; there's a wiki page on what's covered
- how are selenium tests defined? in response to bugs, previous breakage
- have engineers start writing selenium tests? yes, but lower priority than getting a handle on unit tests
[edit]- Michelle to get us metrics around code coverage
- Juliusz to give workshop around TDD (acceptance (selenium) tests, followed by unit tests, followed by code to make the tests pass)
- Michelle to work with one of the engineers for finding the right JS-related tool for code coverage
Deplyoment train
[edit]- blocked on testing on testwiki
- betalabs nowhere near stable
- mobile focussed produciton-like vagrant instance? (standard for eveyrone to test against, easy for new devs to get started, we control it rather than having no control over betalabs)
- get mobile domain working for test2
[edit]- Michelle to coordinate with Chris about tests for test2
- Need to get test2 to work with MF, then get on the train and see what happens (keep our window) [Arthur]
Code -> core
[edit]- Currently have patchset around moving HTMLFormatter stuff to core, but blocked on comments
- Max will prod this along
- Other: HTML templates in JS (Hogan), wikitext-parsed messages in JS, some abstractions we use in JS (View?)
- Clean up RL related code as part of code hygiene so it's ready to integration
- Allow core migration convo to happen organically
- Mobile detection in core? There's not a lot of detection logic anymore...
- X-WAP header is still kinda wonky...
- Should be done, but it is low priority
- Use mediawiki.ui or stick with our own styles? Wait for Less support?
- If we decide to use mediawiki.ui, make it thinner and not dependent on jQuery.UI
- It's not dependent on jQuery.ui, but could always use some thinning
- If we decide to use mediawiki.ui, make it thinner and not dependent on jQuery.UI
[edit]- Max to keep prodding HTMLFormatter patchsets
- Focus on cleaning up RL related code to be ready for potential migration [Jon]
Involving community
[edit]- Alpha/beta/stable scaring away potential contributors?
- Gerrit scaring away new contributors?
- Jon wants to attract new contributors (folks who've never contributed to MW code before)
- Create a 'how to get started' page for MobileFrontend
- Have a 'hello world' module
- Add 'developers' link in footer?
- Have a vagrant instance or instances (one for WM infrastructure, one for basic dev)
[edit]- Kaldari to own putting together documentation for getting started
- Arthur to continue pushing WM prod vagrant instance for MF