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Mobile design/Language selection

From mediawiki.org

This document describes the language selection feature on mobile.



Language selection is important for letting readers take advantage of the over 280 languages in which our content is written.

User research


User testing has shown that readers have a hard time finding the language selection feature when it's presented in a menu or navigation system; many of them scroll to the bottom of the article to find language selection.

User stories

  • As a reader, I want to be able to switch to a different language version of an article and read it in the language of my choice.

Design requirements

  • Create a language selection feature that is discoverable
  • Allow users to browse through/search long language lists to find their language of choice

Project phases


Initial version completed, but more user testing necessary.

User experience

  1. User is reading an article
  2. User taps "Read this article in another language" section
  3. User is taken to a language selection feature through which she can scroll and/or search



Developer card wall


