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Meeting Notes/2016-02-22 Core Fraction

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Last meeting's next steps:

  • Kevin to send email. T125577
    • Done. no significant response from recipients
  • Joel to book meeting with Jaime/Lila
    • Meeting happened this morning

Review Milestones


Milestone 1: Getting agreement on the definition


Should we do any more with this?

Grace: does it add value to continue?

Kevin: let's ask Jaime if he sees value in pushing for any more community discussion on this during this quarter. Guessing no.

David: Ask people how granular, frequent, and how wide this needs to be. Kevin: that's for the third milestone. What about definition?

Kristen: let's ask our key stakeholders if we can declare this done (Wes, Jaime)

Kristen: one thing we didn't get to is clarifying who is the core stakeholder for this

Kevin: I propose that we ask Jaime if he is willing to be our sole contact

Kristen: Jaime seemed to think teams are getting value from this.

Grace: Are they?

Kevin: He may be thinking that since teams (really just POs/managers) used the distinction in the annual plan paperwork, they are on board with it. That may be a stretch. We should clarify.

Proposed next steps

  • ask stakeholders, can we declare the milestone "Done"
    • not quite, since it's for agreement, but retitle to "there is a definition". maybe blocked because people don't have enough info to agree, and Jaime says not urgent.
  • ask Wes/Jaime, how should Jaime's participation affect our stakeholder list and point(s) of contact? Who is the 1 PO/customer for this, and who represents the execs?

Milestone 2: Agree on how to measure.




How and how often to state/post this data?

Kevin: Propose we drop this for this quarter, other than whatever phlogiston already supports from teams already doing it "for free"

DS: agree with Kevin. We have proven many ways to report work from teams.

Next step

  • Pause this until after Annual Planning, and communicate that that means we won't get big, detailed measurement starting July 1.

Milestone 3: Measure for 1 week for 1 team.


Kevin: Propose we drop this for this quarter, other than whatever phlogiston already supports from teams already doing it "for free"

same as 2

Next Steps

  1. Joel to draft stakeholder communication, circulate to TPG
  2. followup on that email TBD/followup with Wes next week in regular meeting..