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MediaWiki 1.18

From mediawiki.org
This page is a translated version of the page MediaWiki 1.18 and the translation is 50% complete.

MediaWiki 1.18 は、新機能やバグ修正を多数含む、大規模なリリースです。これは、利用者の関心が高い主要な変更点の要約です。このバージョンでの変更点の完全な一覧は、リリース ノート ファイルを参照してください。このバージョンは、2011年9月から10月にかけてウィキメディアのウィキ群に展開され、2011年11月28日にリリースされました。


MediaWiki 1.18 では新機能の導入とバグ修正を行いました。以下は最も重要な変更点の概要です。網羅的な一覧は完全なリリースノートを参照してください。

男性か、女性か。MediaWiki 1.18 は利用者の性別を適切に扱います!


Until version 1.17, MediaWiki used neutral nouns to address and identify users on their user page. In English, this was not an issue since "User" matches both genders, but in some languages the neutral gender is always masculine; for example, this would cause French-speaking female Wikipedia users to be referred to as "Utilisateur" (male user) instead of "Utilisatrice" (female user). With version 1.18, user pages reflect the user's gender, if they have specified it in their preferences. More gender support (for instance in logs and user lists) will be available in MediaWiki 1.19.


カメラが上下逆さか、飛行機が宙返りしているだけか。MediaWiki 1.18 は適切に処理します!

MediaWiki は Exif メタデータからカメラの向きを検出するようになり、写真のプレビューを適切に回転させるようになりました。元のファイルは変更されずにそのまま保持されます。

The overall metadata support in MediaWiki has been greatly extended. Previously, MediaWiki could only extract limited Exif metadata, and showed a subset of it on file description pages. Since 1.18, MediaWiki can extract IPTC and XMP metadata from uploaded files, and more Exif information. This includes an embedded description, author information, GPS coordinates, or copyright statement.

英語 (LTR: 左横書き) の本文とヘブライ語 (RTL: 右横書き) インターフェイス。

A lot of work has been done, and is still being done, to fix directionality bugs (Left-To-Right, Right-To-Left). Most notably bug 6100 is fixed, which allows to display an RTL interface on an LTR wiki properly (and vice versa). This was developed under $wgBetterDirectionality , which is now no longer used because the improvements are merged with the core code.

A positive consequence is that the page content on wikis with multiple scripts is aligned according to the direction of the selected variant. For example, on a Kazakh language wiki, selecting the Arabic script variant will align the text as RTL, while selecting the Latin or Cyrillic variant will align it as LTR.


MediaWiki allows you to customize the user interface by editing pages in the MediaWiki namespace. However, even though they can be viewed at Special:AllMessages, the sheer number of these messages makes it difficult to find which one needs to be customized. In MediaWiki 1.18, a new pseudo-language is introduced (qqx) to help people find such messages, by displaying the messages' key instead of the actual messages. All one has to do is append ?uselang=qqx to the page's index.php/ URL (see this page as an example).


The new jQuery.makeCollapsible allows you to create collapsible tables, lists and so on, by adding the class mw-collapsible to the elements. See the manual for details.


MediaWiki now supports protocol- relative URLs in links, interwiki targets and $wgServer . Protocol-relative URLs look like //example.com/wiki/Foo ; the browser will recognize this as http://example.com/wiki/Foo when following a link from an HTTP page, and https://example.com/wiki/Foo when following a link from an HTTPS page. This way, protocol-relative URLs enable a wiki to support HTTP and HTTPS while serving the same HTML for both, which means the parser cache doesn't have to be split.

  • Setting $wgServer to something like //example.com instead of http://example.com is now supported.
  • Same for iw_url in the interwiki table
  • Links like [//example.com Example] now work
    • This is required because things like [{{fullurl:Foo|action=edit}} Edit Foo] would otherwise break if $wgServer is protocol-relative

More personalisable styles and scripts

MediaWiki now automatically loads JavaScript and stylesheets more specific to each user. There is a separate CSS and JS file for each usergroup (MediaWiki:Group-sysop.css, MediaWiki:Group-autoconfirmed.js, etc), and also a CSS file for users viewing without JavaScript (MediaWiki:Noscript.css).


Legacy skinning support is out the door and MediaWiki's SkinTemplate system has been enhanced to remove a lot of unnecessary boilerplate and allow custom skins to make use of the same set of page tabs organized into namespace, variant, view, and action groups that Vector introduced.


以下の拡張機能は、MediaWiki 1.18 に新たにバンドルされています (告知)。現在、これらの拡張機能はすべてウィキメディアのサイト群で使用されています。

  • ConfirmEdit Various CAPTCHA techniques to try to prevent spambots and other automated tools from editing your wiki.
  • Gadgets A system to allow users to enable or disable JavaScript or CSS tools made available to users site-wide.
  • Nuke A special page allowing administrators to mass-delete content added by a spammer or vandal.
  • ParserFunctions Additional parser functions (like #if and #switch ) to supplement the "magic words" present in MediaWiki. —
  • Renameuser A special page which allows authorized users to rename user accounts.
  • Vector Enhancements to the Vector skin.
  • WikiEditor An improved and customizable editing toolbar developed along the Vector skin.