Markup spec/EBNF
The following is a first draft trying to describe the Wikitext-Syntax with Extended BackusâNaur Form (EBNF).
Features of current parsing that must be incorporated (list is likely incomplete):
- Redirects
- Headers
- Paragraphs
- SGML (HTML, nowiki, math, plugins)
- Lists (unordered, ordered, definition, pseudo-definition)
- Initial spaces
- Bold/italics
- Templates (int:, msg:, msgnw:, raw:?)
- Template parameters (both on the sending and receiving sides)
- Horizontal rules
- Magic words
- Wikilinks (category, image, Media:)
- External links
- Plain URLs (e.g., http://blah)
- Tables
- Character entities (e.g., &, Ӓ, ሴ)
- Behavior switches
- Date reorganization based on user prefs
[edit]digit = ("1"|"2"|"3"|"4"|"5"|"6"|"7"|"8"|"9"|"0"); URL = { ASCII letter }, "://", { URL char }; ASCII letter = ("a" | "b" | "c" | "d" | "e" | "f" | "g" | "h" | "i" | "j" | "k" | "l" | "m" | "n" | "o" | "p" | "q" | "r" | "s" | "t" | "u" | "v" | "w" | "x" | "y" | "z" | "A" | "B" | "C" | "D" | "E" | "F" | "G" | "H" | "I" | "J" | "K" | "L" | "M" | "N" | "O" | "P" | "Q" | "R" | "S" | "T" | "U" | "V" | "W" | "X" | "Y" | "Z"); URL char = (ASCII letter | digit | "-" | "_" | "." | "~" | "!" | "*" | "'" | "(" | ")" | ";" | ":" | "@" | "&" | "=" | "+" | "$" | "," | "/" | "?" | "%" | "#" | "[" | "]"); Unicode char = (* Assume this is all valid Unicode characters. *); text = { Unicode char }; full pagename = [ namespace, ":" | ":" ] pagename; namespace = Unicode char, { Unicode char }; pagename = Unicode char, { Unicode char };
[edit]start link = "[["; end link = "]]"; internal link = start link, full pagename, ["|", label], end link, label extension; external link = URL | (start link, URL, [whitespace Label], endLink, label extension); redirect = "#REDIRECT", internal link; header link = "/*", text, "*/"; ISBN link = digit, ["-"|" "], 3 * digit, ["-"|" "], 5 * digit, [("-"|" "),(digit|"X"|"x")];
[edit]header end = [whitespace], line break; header6 = line break, "======", [whitespace], text, [whitespace], "======", header end; header5 = line break, "=====", [whitespace], text, [whitespace], "=====", header end; header4 = line break, "====", [whitespace], text, [whitespace], "====", header end; header3 = line break, "===", [whitespace], text, [whitespace], "===", header end; header2 = line break, "==", [whitespace], text, [whitespace], "==", header end; header1 = line break, "=", [whitespace], text, [whitespace], "=", header end; comment = "<!--", [text], "-->"; commentary = "<comment", [text], ">", [text], "</comment>"; (* This works? *)
[edit]horizontal rule = "----", {"-"}; bold italic text = "'''''", text, "'''''"; bold text = "'''", text, "'''"; italic text = "''", text, "''"; code line = linebreak, " ", text; nowiki = "<nowiki>", text, "</nowiki>";
[edit]unordered list = "*", text; continue unordered list = (unordered list|continue unordered list|":"|"*"|"#"), linebreak, unordered list; ordered list = "#", text; continue ordered list = (ordered list|continue ordered list|":"|"*"|"#"), linebreak, ordered list; definition list = [text], ":", text; continue definition list = (definition list|continue definition list|":"|"*"|"#"), linebreak, definition list;
[edit]user signature = "~~~"; user signature with date = "~~~~"; current date = "~~~~~";
[edit]include = ( template | tplarg ) ; template = "{{", title, { "|", part }, "}}" ; tplarg = "{{{", title, { "|", part }, "}}}" ; part = [ name, "=" ], value ; title = balanced text ; name = balanced text ; value = balanced text ; balanced text = text without consecutive equal braces, { include, text without consecutive equal braces } ;
Behavior switches
[edit]place TOC = {whitespace|linebreak}, "__TOC__", {whitespace|linebreak}; force TOC = {whitespace|linebreak}, "__FORCETOC__", {whitespace|linebreak}; disable TOC = {whitespace|linebreak}, "__NOTOC__", {whitespace|linebreak}; disable section edit = {whitespace|linebreak}, "__NOEDITSECTION__", {whitespace|linebreak};
[edit]table start = "{|", {style|whitespace}, linebreak; table end = "|}"; table caption = "|+", text, linebreak; table header cell = (linebreak, "!", ({style|whitespace}- "|"), text) | (tablecell, ("!!" | "||"), ({style|whitespace}- "|"), text); table cell = (linebreak, "|", ({style|whitespace}- "|"), text) | (table cell, "||", ({style|whiteSpace}- "|"), text); table row = linebreak, "|-", {"-"}, {style|whitespace}, linebreak; table body = ( table header cell | table cell ), { table row, ( table header cell | table cell ) }; table = table start, [table caption], [table row], table body, table end;