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Add paragraph about $wgReadOnly to 'Unable to save thumbnail to destination'

Summary by Wladek92

done, fixed.

MVerzijl (talkcontribs)

It appears that when read only mode ($wgReadOnly) is active, you might also see this error.

When you see this error message on pages or for some files in your file list, you can try to remove $wgReadOnly from your LocalSettings.php.

AKlapper (WMF) (talkcontribs)

Feel free to add that paragraph

MVerzijl (talkcontribs)

Thank you for the quick reply.

I do not have permission to edit semi-protected pages. Perhaps someone who does have permission can add the following underneath the existing paragraph of 'Unable to save thumbnail to destination':

This error can also occur when read only mode ($wgReadOnly) has been set in LocalSettings.php. You can try to remove $wgReadOnly to see if that solves the issue for you.

Wladek92 (talkcontribs)
Summary by AKlapper (WMF)

Please see "Please do not post support questions here." in the sidebar

Aafi (DCW) (talkcontribs)

dccwiki.org fails to generate thumbnails for svg files with the error: "Error creating thumbnail: /bin/bash: convert: command not found". I ran a which -a convert command and it responds with /usr/bin/which: no convert in (/usr/share/Modules/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/opt/golang/1.19.4/bin:/opt/go/bin). How should I get this fixed now? I have enabled ImageMagick in LocalSettings. However the CommandPath is mentioned as "/usr/bin/convert". I'd appreciate any assistance. Best regards,

Ciencia Al Poder (talkcontribs)

You have to install imagemagick package on the host

PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in .../includes/cache/localisation/LocalisationCache.php on line 459

Perohanych (talkcontribs)

This record appeared twice a second in err_log

To fix it just uncomment in LocalSettings.php line

$wgCacheDirectory = "$IP/cache";

Hope this will be useful.

Reply to "PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in .../includes/cache/localisation/LocalisationCache.php on line 459"

Edit page is blank, while the content shows

2 (talkcontribs)

Hi ,

I am using mediawiki 1.30 . I am facing an issue that my content which i previously put , is shown. But when I try edit the content , the edit page shows blank. I don't know. why?

I am new to media wiki. Kindly help.

AKlapper (WMF) (talkcontribs)

Please see https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual_talk:Common_errors_and_symptoms which says "Please do not post support questions here."

Heading does not render because it was unwrapped from translate tags

C.Ezra.M (talkcontribs)

The heading with {{int:sessionfailure}} does not render as a heading because it was a lost translation unit. Now it's impossible to restore as a proper heading.

Ciencia Al Poder (talkcontribs)

It renders as a heading perfectly fine for me. Is this a problem with one of the languages? In that case which one?

C.Ezra.M (talkcontribs)
Ciencia Al Poder (talkcontribs)

Ohhh, I got very confused because this heading is duplicate (you can search for "Manual:How to debug/Login problems" and it appears twice)

Reply to "Heading does not render because it was unwrapped from translate tags"
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