يدوي: تحديد مجموعات المستخدمين في ميدياويكي
By default MediaWiki has several user groups that can grant a user a set of user rights. See also the list of groups.
خاص: حقوق المستخدم
إصدار ميدياويكي: | ≥ 1.10 |
There is a simple interface (Special:UserRights) for adding a user to or removing a user from one or more user groups.
To do this the acting user must have the userrights
user right, which by default is granted to the بيروقراطيون user group.
You can access Special:UserRights directly or via Special:SpecialPages in the toolbox on the left.
You can also view the rights an individual group has by accessing the Special:UserGroupRights special page.
For help in using Special:UserRights, refer to Help:User rights and groups .
من API
If you are developing a gadget, a bot (an admin bot) or other stuff that should be able to change user's groups through the API, see the page API:User group membership .
من سطر الأوامر
The maintenance script createAndPromote.php can add groups to a user from the command line:
php maintenance/run.php createAndPromote Example --sysop
لا توجد طريقة لإزالة مجموعة من مستخدم من سطر الأوامر ، دون تعديل قاعدة البيانات مباشرة.
من شفرة المصدر
If you are developing a MediaWiki extension such as a custom authentication manager or other stuff that should be able to change user's groups, you can have a look at these methods:
As documented into the https://doc.wikimedia.org/mediawiki-core/master/php/User_8php_source.html page.
== الصفحات ذات الصلة
- Manual:User rights — شرح "الحقوق" المختلفة التي يمكن تخصيصها لمجموعة
- Manual:Preventing access