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From mediawiki.org
This page is a translated version of the page Manual:Pywikibot and the translation is 28% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

Pywikibot ye una coleición de ferramientes qu'automaticen el trabayu nos sitios de MediaWiki. Diseñaes orixinalmente pa Wikipedia, agora úsense en tolos proyeutos de la Fundación Wikimedia y en munches otres wikis.

Pywikibot logo

Alministrar un bot

Decorative - picture of three toy robots

Escribir un bot

  • Afaya la [$docs documentación en wikimedia.org]

Desendolcar Pywikibot

Decorative - board filled with post-its
  • Llista de bugs per a Pywikibot
  • Esbrineu com traduir Pywikibot

Get help

  • Use the #pywikibot IRC channel connect for quick questions


Maintenance updateA new stable release 9.6.1 has been deployed. It is marked with stable tag. This is the last release supporting Python 3.7.
Maintenance update A new pywikibot-scripts release 9.6.1 was published.
Release Python 3.13.1, 3.12.8, 3.11.11, 3.10.16 y 3.9.21 final releases are available.
ReleaseA new stable release 9.6.0 has been deployed.
Release A new pywikibot-scripts release 9.6.0 was published.
Release A new stable release 9.5.0 has been deployed.
Release A new pywikibot-scripts release 9.5.0 was published.
Maintenance updateA new stable release 9.4.1 has been deployed.
Maintenance updateA new pywikibot-scripts release 9.4.1 was published.
ReleasePython 3.13.0 final release is available.
Release A new stable release 9.4.0 has been deployed.
Release The first pywikibot-scripts release 9.4.0 was published.
Release Python 3.12.7 final release is available.