Manual:Pywikibot/Test coverage
To run coverage, install coverage, and optionally nose.
[edit]To use coverage as a standalone tool, run the following in the pywikibot clone directory:
$ coverage-2.7 run --source=python -m unittest discover -vv -p "*"
(and look at results starting with 'pywikibot')
To use coverage via nose, see their documentation and run the following in the pywikibot clone directory:
$ nosetests --with-coverage --cover-package=pywikibot tests
Pywikibot 'core' test coverage on python 2.7 as at 1 November 2014:
Name Stmts Miss Cover ---------------------------------------------------------------------- pywikibot 292 73 75% 445 306 31% pywikibot.comms.http 137 30 78% pywikibot.comms.threadedhttp 202 42 79% pywikibot.config2 313 106 66% 731 219 70% 243 23 91% 368 37 90% pywikibot.diff 180 154 14% pywikibot.echo 22 16 27% pywikibot.exceptions 116 10 91% 232 68 71% pywikibot.i18n 267 97 64% pywikibot.logentries 121 42 65% pywikibot.login 86 58 33% 1803 782 57% pywikibot.pagegenerators 726 599 17% pywikibot.plural 3 0 100% 2339 915 61% pywikibot.textlib 630 238 62% pywikibot.throttle 172 45 74% 295 92 69% pywikibot.userinterfaces.terminal_interface 7 1 86% pywikibot.userinterfaces.terminal_interface_base 202 101 50% pywikibot.userinterfaces.terminal_interface_unix 18 11 39% pywikibot.userinterfaces.transliteration 2718 15 99% pywikibot.version 221 165 25% pywikibot.weblib 31 3 90% pywikibot.xmlreader 102 20 80% ---------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL 13028 4268 67%
- Notes
- the default output gives lines of code which are not exercised; that has been omitted from the table above.(they are included in the table for scripts)
- the library contains lines which are Python 2.6 or Python 3+ specific, and cant be included in coverage when run from python 2.7
- there are a few modules which are not included in this table because they are not loaded by the test suite.
- PYWIKIBOT2_TEST_WRITE=1 was not used when generating the above statistics.
[edit]To use coverage as a standalone tool, run the following in the pywikibot clone directory:
$ coverage-2.7 run --source=python -m unittest discover -vv -p "*"
(and look at results starting with 'scripts')
To use coverage via nose, see their documentation and run the following in the pywikibot clone directory:
$ nosetests --with-coverage --cover-package=scripts tests
(FIXME: both of the above commands is horribly inefficient, as it runs all tests, not just tests for scripts.)
Pywikibot 'core' test coverage as at 1 November 2014:
Name Stmts Miss Cover Missing ------------------------------------------------------ scripts.archivebot 332 278 16% 149-157, 169-174, 189-198, 202-204, 214, 217, 220, 223, 240-245, 248, 253-263, 266, 270, 273-286, 298-321, 325-350, 354-362, 365, 369-379, 393-414, 417, 420-422, 425, 429, 435-438, 441-451, 462-473, 476-514, 517-550, 562-653, 657 scripts.data_ingestion 81 24 70% 25-26, 53, 126-129, 132-150, 153, 156-157, 160-165 scripts.upload 215 191 11% 53-54, 76-91, 95, 99-153, 158-227, 231-234, 244-289, 294-313, 325-383, 386 ------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL 628 493 21%
- Notes
- the number of lines which are only exercised in Python 2.6 or Python 3+ should be so small as to not affect the overall results.
- the TOTALs in this table are very misleading; there are many scripts which are not listed as they are tested in a way that is not visible to
. - there were no write tests covering scripts as at 1 November 2014.