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From mediawiki.org

  The manual is a work in progress. Please add to it with complete, tested instructions wherever you can.  

Images in the manual may differ from what you see in your version of Huggle.

The queue shows all the current changes to the wiki.

The queue has several modes of operation:

  • All Edits – Displays every edit as it is made. The queue is in chronological order.
  • All New Pages – Displays pages as they're created.
  • Assisted Edits – Only shows edits made with an automated tool.
  • Candidates for speedy deletion – Only shows edits made to pages that are tagged for speedy deletion
  • Filtered Edits – Automatically removes edits from bots and trusted users, then sorts the results by the probability that an edit is vandalism.
  • Filtered new pages – The same as Filtered Edits, but only displays new pages.
  • Huggle edits – Only shows edits made with Huggle.
  • My edits – Shows the edits you've made.
  • Add... – Allows you to define your own queues.

Icon key

  • 1 trusted user
  • 2 anonymous user
  • 3 reverted user
  • 4 registered user that is not on the whitelist
  • 5 bot
  • 6 you
  • 7 page was blanked
  • 8 content was replaced
  • 9 page was redirected
  • 10 revert
  • 11 deletion tag
  • 12 notification
  • 13 warning
  • 14 - 17 User has issued a warning to another user. Number indicates level.
  • 18 - 21 user that has been warned made an edit, number indicates warning level
  • 22 reported user
  • 23 blocked user
  • 24 report
  • 25 block notification
  • 26 there are no older revisions in the history or the user's contributions
  • 27 (any color) automated assisted summary
  • 28 (any color) left indicates last edit and right is not last edit