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This page is a translated version of the page Manual:Huggle/Configuration and the translation is 14% complete.

Configuration settings for Huggle are stored in one of four locations depending on their scope:

単一プロジェクト すべてのプロジェクト
単一利用者 利用者ページの下位ページ ローカル ファイル
すべての利用者 プロジェクトの設定ページ Global config page on Meta

All configuration files consist of a series of lines of the form option:value, where option is one of the values listed below. Option names are not case-sensitive. Blank lines, lines starting with // and unrecognized options are ignored. Values can break across lines provided these extra lines begin with one or more spaces.

Most user and local configuration settings may be changed through the Options window within Huggle. Preset value

User configuration

Settings on user configuration subpages apply only to that user, and only on that project.

  • enable – true/false. Huggle will not work unless this is present and set to true.
  • anonymous - string. Whether to show the contributions of anonymous users. Available values: "yes", "no", "only". Default: yes.
  • auto-advance – true/false. After reverting a revision, automatically advance to the next diff. Default: false.
  • auto-whitelist - true/false. Whether to automatically whitelist users. Default: false.
  • confirm-multiple – true/false. Ask for confirmation if reverting multiple edits by the same user. (Does not ask for confirmation when explicitly reverting to an older revision in the page history, as it is obvious in such cases that multiple edits are to be reverted). Default: false.
  • confirm-same - true/false. Ask for confirmation if the revision being reverted to was made by the same user that is being reverted. Default: true.
  • extend-reports - true/false. Whether to extend vandalism reports in the event of further vandalism. Default: true.
  • irc-port – integer. Port to use when connecting to IRC. Use any integer from 6664–6669, inclusive. Default: 6667.
  • minor – comma-separated list. Types of edit to mark as minor. Available values: "reverts", "warnings", "tags", "reports", "notifications" and "other". Use "none" for none. Default: 'reverts'. Note that reverts will always be marked as minor edits.
  • namespaces – comma-separated list. Namespaces to check for vandalism. Use "article" for main namespace, "all" for all namespaces, "alltalk" for all talk namespaces. Prefix by "-" to exclude. Default: all.
  • new-pages - true/false. Whether to include new pages in the queue. Default: false.
  • preload – integer. How many diffs to preload in advance. Preloading reduces wait time for diff loads but slows other requests slightly. Set to 0 to disable preloading. Do not set to more than about 5. Default: 2. Disabling this is recommended if you have a slow connection.
  • report - string. What to do when asked to warn a user with a final warning. Use "none" to do nothing, "prompt" to prompt for a user report, and "auto" to issue the report automatically. Default: auto
  • revert-summaries - comma-separated list. Summaries available in the revert drop-down menu. Use \, to include a literal comma.
  • rollback – true/false. Use rollback if available. Default: true.
  • show-new-edits – true/false. If the page currently being viewed is edited, jump to a diff of that edit. Default: true.
  • show-queue - true/false. Whether to show the revision queue. Default: true.
  • templates - comma-separated list. Templates to show in the templates drop-down menu. Each item of the list is a pair of values separated by a semicolon; the first is the text displayed in the menu, and the second is the name of the template to be used. Use \, to include a literal comma, \; to include a literal semicolon.
  • tray-icon - true/false. Display an icon in the notification area, allows application to be minimized to the tray. Default: false.
  • update-whitelist – true/false. Whether to update the shared whitelist on exit. Default: true.
  • watchlist – comma-separated list. Types of edit which should add the page to your watchlist. Available values: "reverts", "warnings", "tags", "reports", "notifications" and "other". Use "none" for none. Default: none.
Administrator options

The following options have effect only when used with an administrator account:

  • admin - true/false. Use administrator functions (block/delete) if available. Default: true.
  • block-prompt - true/false. Whether to show the block form if asked to warn a user with a final warning. Default: true.
  • block-reason – string. Default block reason on block form. Default: '[[Wikipedia:Vandalism|Vandalism]]'.
  • blocktime – string. Default block expiry time when blocking logged-in users. Default: indefinite.
  • blocktime-anon – string. Default block expiry time when blocking anonymous users. Default: 31 hours.

Project configuration

Settings on project configuration pages apply to all users of a single project. The user configuration settings listed in the section above also work on project configuration pages, and serve as defaults for those values, but are overridden by the user's configuration settings.

  • approval: true/false. If true, user list acts as an approval list, and only users listed there may use Huggle. Default false
  • enable-all: true/false. If false, Huggle will not work for any user. For use only in exceptional circumstances. Default true
  • require-admin: true/false. If true, Huggle will only work if the user is an administrator. Default false
  • require-autoconfirmed: boolean. If true, Huggle will work only if the user is autoconfirmed.
  • require-config: true/false. If true, all users must have a configuration page with enable set to 'true'. This allows administrators to prevent use of Huggle by a user account by blanking and protecting its configuration page. Default false
  • require-edits: integer. Number of edits an account must have made before it is able to use Huggle. (Accounts must be autoconfirmed, regardless of this setting.) Default 0
  • require-rollback: true/false. If true, Huggle will only work if the user has rollback. Default false
  • require-time: integer. Number of days for which a user account must have been registered before it is able to use Huggle. (Accounts must be autoconfirmed, regardless of this setting.)
  • min-version: version number. Versions older than this will not work.
  • aiv: string. Page to which vandalism reports are made.
  • aivbot: string. Page to which vandalism reports are made by bot accounts; Huggle checks this before making a report itself.
  • ignore: comma-separated list. Pages to which all edits will be ignored regardless of user. Talk pages of these pages will also be ignored. Use \, to include a literal comma.
  • uaa: string. Page to which username reports are made.
  • uaabot: string. Page to which username reports are made by bot accounts; Huggle checks this before making a report itself.
  • userlist: string. Location of Huggle's user list.
  • whitelist: string. Location of Huggle's user whitelist.
  • whitelist-edit-count: integer. Number of edits a user must have before they are added to the user whitelist.
  • expand-reports: bool, use subst: for report templates for AIV, default: false
  • months: list of months separated by ; and ,

Local configuration

Settings stored locally apply across all projects and apply only to users of that computer. They will be retained if you log in with a different account, and lost if moving between computers, but for the most part can be thought of as applying to a single user account.

The local configuration file is stored in \huggle\config.txt in the user's Application Data folder. The file is updated automatically when Huggle exits.

  • irc: boolean. Whether to use the IRC recent changes feed. Default false
  • log-file: string. File path to which Huggle activity will be written.
  • project: string. Last project used.
  • proxy-enabled, proxy-port, proxy-server, proxy-userdomain, proxy-username: proxy settings. Default false
  • username: string. Last username used.
  • window-left, window-top, window-width, window-height: integers. Location and size of Huggle's main window.
  • window-maximize: boolean. Whether the main window is maximized.
  • shortcuts: comma-separated list. キーボード ショートカット。
  • revert-summaries: comma-separated list. Summaries that have been entered into the "Revert with summary" dialog.

Global configuration

Settings on the global configuration page at meta:Huggle/Config apply to all users and all projects.

  • enable-all: boolean. If false, Huggle will not work on any project. Default false
  • config: string. Location of project configuration page on each project.
  • documentation: string. 説明文書ページの URL。
  • feedback: string. フィードバック ページの URL。
  • irc-server: string. Location of IRC recent changes server.
  • irc-server-name: string. Hostname used on the IRC recent changes server.
  • projects: dictionary. Projects on which Huggle can be used. Each item is the project name, followed by its URL.
  • sensitive-addresses: dictionary. IP ranges that are considered "sensitive". Each item is a regex matching the IP range, followed by a description.
  • version: version number. The current version of Huggle. Users of older versions will be notified of this, but the older versions will continue to work.
  • user-agent: string. User agent string that will be used by Huggle. $1 is replaced by the version number.
  • user-config: string. Location of user configuration pages on each project.