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From mediawiki.org
Available from version 1.26.0 (Gerrit change 213245)
Called before an exception (or PHP error) is logged.
Define function:
public static function onLogException( $e, $suppressed ) { ... }
Attach hook: In extension.json:
	"Hooks": {
		"LogException": "MediaWiki\\Extension\\MyExtension\\Hooks::onLogException"
Called from: File(s): exception/MWExceptionHandler.php
Interface: LogExceptionHook.php

For more information about attaching hooks, see Manual:Hooks .
For examples of extensions using this hook, see Category:LogException extensions.


  • $e: the Exception object (for PHP errors, an ErrorException)
  • $suppressed: true if the PHP error was suppressed via error_reporting()/wfSuppressWarnings()