最近の更新、新しいページ、ウォッチリスト、履歴: $wgUnwatchedPageSecret | |
If active watchers (per $wgWatchersMaxAge ) are this number or less, do not disclose it. |
導入されたバージョン: | 1.26.0 (Gerrit change 193838; git #09a21c4a) |
除去されたバージョン: | 使用中 |
許容される値: | (整数) |
既定値: | 1 |
その他の設定: アルファベット順 | 機能順 |
Used by action=info if $wgShowUpdatedMarker is enabled, to control whether display or not the number of "active watchers" (see $wgWatchersMaxAge ) to users who do not have the unwatchedpages
user right.
If the number of total watchers is below $wgUnwatchedPageSecret and the user does not have the right, this setting is ignored and the number of active watchers is not shown.