Cookies: $wgExtendedLoginCookieExpiration | |
If non-null, duration in seconds to use for "Mantener mi sesión iniciada" sessions; 0 means until the browser is closed. Si es nulo, usa $wgCookieExpiration |
Introducido en la versión: | 1.26.0 (Gerrit change 141248; git #16cea35d) |
Eliminado en la versión: | aún se usa |
Valores permitidos: | (entero) |
Valor predeterminado: | 180 * 86400 (1.29+, (Gerrit change 321592))null (1.26-1.28) |
Otras configuraciones: Alfabéticamente | Por Función |
Versión de MediaWiki: | ≥ 1.26 |
The purpose of this cookie is to allow having a different (usually longer, but this is not enforced) duration for "Mantener mi sesión iniciada" login-related cookies. This means you can e.g. set the standard cookie duration (widely used for MW cookies) to 30 days, but set the "Mantener mi sesión iniciada" duration to a year.
Logins where the "keep me logged in" option is not checked are entirely unaffected by this setting.
Logins where "keep me logged in" is set use a mechanism that can recover from server-side session expiry, so the lifetime of the extended login is unaffected by $wgObjectCacheSessionExpiry.
Los valores significan:
- null - MW Seguirá $wgCookieExpiration en cambio.
- Entero positivo - Duración de "Mantener mi sesión iniciada" sesiones, en segundos.
- 0 - "Mantener mi sesión iniciada" las sesiones durarán hasta el cierre del navegador.