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From mediawiki.org
Scribunto amÚne les modÚles au niveau supérieur !

Bienvenu sur le tutoriel Scribunto-Lua destiné à aider les débutants à apprendre Lua pour écrire des script pour MediaWiki. Vous pouvez aussi lire le tutoriel présenté au Hackathon 2012 à Berlin (en anglais).

Comment utiliser ce tutoriel


Ce tutoriel a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ© Ă  l’origine pour le Hackathon 2012 Ă  Berlin, comme Ă©vĂ©nement en face-Ă -face. Il a Ă©tĂ© adaptĂ© pour le wiki, Ă  distance, tel que vous le voyez ici. Comme tout ĂȘtre wiki, c’est un document vivant et nous vous encourageons Ă  participer en anglais ou en français pour le dĂ©velopper et le maintenir.

Le contenu ci-dessous se focalise sur l’apprentissage pour des dĂ©veloppeurs de modĂšles MediaWiki. Tout le monde est invitĂ© Ă  l’utiliser. Si vous ĂȘtes nouveau dans l’écriture de modĂšles MediaWiki mais que vous avez de l’expĂ©rience en Lua, vous pouvez vous renseigner plus sur les modĂšles. Notez que quelques dĂ©tails dans Scribunto ne s’appliquent pas Ă  la distribution Lua. Si vous ĂȘtes un gourou des modĂšles MediaWiki, mais nouveau en Lua, vous apprendrez une nouvelle magie sympa. Si vous ĂȘtes nouveau dans les deux, vous verrez que la communautĂ© MediaWiki a plusieurs personnes qui peuvent vous aider Ă  apprendre.

Introduction Ă  Lua

Brad Jorsch’s short presentation for a basic example of how to convert a wikitext template into a Lua module.

WikiText does not parse the way you would normally expect. Parser frames are arguments in Scribunto templates. Strip markers replace certain markup, which if it is passed, will result in placeholders instead of markup. You will need to use the new Namespace:Module

  • How you adapt for these differences



Suggested Templates You Want to See Adapted During the Demo


Please post the link to a template that you'd like to see adapted to Lua as a demo, on-stage during the tutorial.

  1. (first template suggestion)

Hands-on Lua Scripting

  • Create a page in the Module namespace
  • Write some Lua code in it. Here is the boilerplate:
local p = {}
function p.hello(frame)
    return 'Hello'
return p
  • Go to the module talk page
  • Put a #invoke in it to invoke your new module
{{#invoke: my_module | hello }}

Accessing template parameters


Functions can access the frame object to get access to the parameters that the template was invoked with. For example, let's change the previous module so that it takes two arguments, like this:

{{#invoke: my_module | hello | hair | brown }}

Our Lua function can use the parameters "hair" and "brown" in either of two ways:

  1. Access them directly as frame.args[1] and frame.args[2], respectively (named arguments can also be used, such as frame.args["title"] or frame.args.title)
  2. Iterate them using the frame:argumentPairs() function, which returns a (name, value) pair for each; this is the best way to code a template that can take a variable number of parameters

Here's a simple example of a function that uses the parameters:

local p = {}
function p.hello(frame)
    return 'Hello, my ' .. frame.args[1] .. ' is ' .. frame.args[2]
return p

A few pitfalls to avoid:

  1. The parameter values are always strings, even if they are numeric in form; you can use the Lua function tonumber() if you need to treat a value as a number.
  2. However, numbered parameter keys are numbers, even if they are given explicitly in the template invocation (for example, the parameters in both {{#invoke:my_module | hello | world}} and {{#invoke:my_module | hello | 1=world}} are indexed by the number 1, not the string "1"
  3. With explicitly named (or numbered) parameters, leading and trailing whitespace is stripped from name and value. This is similar to template parameters.
  4. An empty string value is not the same as a missing value, which is nil; for example,
    {{#invoke:my_module | hello | world }}
    results in frame.args[2] being nil (which will cause a script error in the example code above), but
    {{#invoke:my_module | hello | world | }}
    results in frame.args[2] being an empty string (which will not, although the resulting text will look odd). One way to work around this is to assign the desired parameters to a local variable, and replacing nils with empty strings at this step; e.g.,
    local arg2 = frame.args[2] or ""

Lua Implementation Plan as Part of MediaWiki Roadmap


External Resources for general/non-wiki Lua Scripting


Tutorial Feedback


If you saw this tutorial live, in Berlin, please give us your feedback on the Talk page, so we can refine it for future hackathons and other events. You can give anonymous feedback if you prefer.

Tutorial slide deck from Berlin