这是一个分享学习概念、框架、语言等有用资源的地方。 如果您发现或知道对其他人有用的资源,请添加更多链接。 您还可以将您的名字添加到推荐的名字中,以防您发现它们也很有用并想要突出显示它们。 随意在那里添加注释。
- Any useful resource (like online course) on VueJS? --Ladsgroup (talk) 17:15, 26 May 2020 (UTC)
Vue.js Explained in 100 Seconds — Fireship (video)
- Recommended by Aron Manning.
A section for things that cover more than one category.
- wizard zines - zines on programming, Linux, and other subjects by Julia Evans
- Recommended by Brennen.
- DevDocs - Offline-supported web app documentation of many Web APIs and popular libraries (MDN, Vue, Node.js, PHPUnit, etc)
- Recommended by Krinkle.
The C4 model for visualising software architecture
- Recommended by Ladsgroup.
Andrew Ng's course on ML at Coursera
- Recommended by Ladsgroup.
Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship
- Recommended by Ladsgroup.
Growing Object-Oriented Software, Guided by Tests (TDD)
- Recommended by Ladsgroup
Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code
- Recommended by Kostajh
97 Things Every Programmer Should Know (Rather short)
- Recommended by Ladsgroup.
First chapters of High Performance MySQL
- Recommended by Ladsgroup.
Modern Linux Administration: How to Become a Cutting-Edge Linux Administrator
- Recommended by Ladsgroup.
What the heck is the event loop anyway? (Philip Roberts, 2004).
- Recommended by Ladsgroup.
JavaScript: The Good Parts (Douglas Crockford, 2009)
- Recommended by Krinkle.
Speed Up Your JavaScript (Nicholas C. Zakas, 2009)
- Recommended by Krinkle.
The JavaScript Trilogy (Douglas Crockford, 2011)
- Recommended by Krinkle.
Crockford on JavaScript: An 8-part Series (Douglas Crockford, 2011)
- Recommended by Krinkle.
Maintainable JavaScript (Nicholas C. Zakas, 2012)
- Recommended by Krinkle.
You Don't Know JS (Kyle Simpson, 2014)
- Recommended by Krinkle.
Superhero.js – Collection of articles and tech talks about developing, testing, and maintaining large JavaScript applications.
- Recommended by Krinkle.
The Post JavaScript Apocalypse (Douglas Crockford, 2017)
- Recommended by Krinkle.
Codecademy: Learn Web Fundamentals
- Recommended by Krinkle
"Performance Matters" (Emery Berger, 2019)
Security in context of MediaWiki (Chris Steipp, 2012) - Explains attacks like XSS, etc.
- Recommended by Ladsgroup.
Technical writing
- DigitalOcean guidelines - food for thought for tutorial and reference authors
Google's online course on technical writing
- Recommended by Ladsgroup.
"The documentation system" - a conceptual framework dividing documentation into tutorials, how-to guides, technical reference, and explanation.
Write the Docs and Read the Docs
- Recommended by Dan Shick.
wikitech:Technical documentation checklist and templates
- Recommended by Quiddity.
Documentation/Technical documentation templates and suggestions#Tips for writing in genres
- Recommended by Quiddity.
Unix & Linux
Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide - An in-depth exploration of the art of shell scripting
- Recommended by Brennen Bearnes
Brendan Gregg's blog has a ton of good technical material generally
- Recommended by Brennen Bearnes
Brendan Gregg's Linux Performance material
Linux Load Averages: Solving the Mystery
The TTY demystified - history and low-level details about terminals and the Unix TTY subsystem.
- Recommended by 20after4.
userland: a book about the command line for humans
- Added by Brennen (Recommended? Well, maybe.)
Infrastructure of Wikipedia at 36c3 (Ladsgroup and DKinzler, 2020)
- Recommended by Ladsgroup. (shameless promotion)
Serving Wikipedia with ATS (Emanuele Rocca, 2019) - About edge caching and CDN infrastructure in Wikimedia.
- Recommended by Ladsgroup.
Ouch, I have an OOUI: Using OOUI without pain (Moriel, 2020)
- Recommended by Ladsgroup.
- Recommended by Quiddity.
See also
- API:Client code#API client libraries - Libraries for interfacing with MediaWiki Action API.