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From mediawiki.org
This page is a translated version of the page Huggle and the translation is 42% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.
Manual on MediaWiki Tools
Release status: stable
Description Antivandalismus-Tool
Author(s) Lëscht vun den Entwéckler
Latest version 3.4.13
MediaWiki all Versiounen
License GNU General Public License 3.0
Download Säit fir erofzelueden
Issues : Open tasks · Report a bug

"Huggle" ass eng Applikatioun fir mam Vandalismus op Wikimedia-Siten ëmzegoen an ass an C++ a Python geschriwwen. D'Haapsäit mat Informatiounen iwwer de Programm steet op Meta. D'Dokumentatioun vun Huggle ass hei um MediaWiki-Site.

Huggle was originally created for English Wikipedia, but it was later ported to other large Wikimedia projects as well. Since version 3 Huggle can be used for non-WMF wikis as well—see Manual:Huggle/Deploying for more information.

Huggle reads all edits made to MediaWiki sites in real time using various providers (such as EventStreams, IRC RC changes, or MW API) and presents them to the user for review. It also helps users identify unconstructive edits and allows them to be reverted quickly. Various mechanisms are used to draw conclusions as to whether an edit is constructive or not. Huggle also uses a number of self-learning mechanisms, including a global white-list and integrates ORES into its scores.

En Chat fir Ënnerstëtzung an Entwécklung ass op #huggle connect disponibel.


You can browse all extensions for Huggle in extension gallery.

Dir kënnt hëllefen

Wann Dir Huggle appreciéiert a bei senger Entwécklung hëllefe wëllt, esouguer wann dir déi benotzt Programméiersproochen net verstitt, ginn et vill Méiglechkeete wéi Dir Iech un dësem Projet bedeelege kënnt. Dir kënnt zum Beispill d'Säite vum Projet verbesseren, Dokumentatioun schreiwen, op irc hëllefen, nie Funktioune virschloen oder Huggle a weider Sproochen iwwersetzen. Iwwersetzunge vun Huggle sinn disponibel op Meta wiki op dëser Säit. Wann Dir un dësem Projet interesséiert sidd da sidd Dir wëllkomm fir bei eis matzemaachen, schreift Ären Numm just op dës Lëscht meta:Huggle/Members a vergiesst w.e.g. net unzegi wéi Dir matmaacht (Beispill:Iwwersetzung / Hëllefen op der Feedback-Säit oder irc), wann Dir als Entwéckler matmaache wëllt a schéckt engem vun den aktuellen Entwéckler / Adminen en E-Mail. All kleng Hëllef ass wëllkomm! For instance you can improve project pages, write documentation, help on IRC, suggest new features or translate Huggle to more languages. Huggle translations are available on Translatewiki on this page. If you are interested in this project, you are welcome to join us, just insert your name into this table meta:Huggle/Members and include how you participate (example: translation / helping on feedback page or IRC), in case you want to become a developer, email one of the current repo maintainers / admins. Every little help is welcome!

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