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Preferences for watchlist expiry

CapnZapp (talkcontribs)

How do I tell Wiki I want my clicks on the watchlist "star" to default to, say, 3 months, instead of the current default: permanent-but-with-a-popup?

In other words, I want to

a. get rid of the popup asking additional details each bloody time
b. change the default to perhaps 6 months instead of permanent (so a. can happen)

Thx CapnZapp (talk) 12:10, 11 June 2021 (UTC)

RoyZuo (talkcontribs)
Reply to "Preferences for watchlist expiry"

Date in raw watchlist

SebastianHelm (talkcontribs)

Great idea! Now, I presume it's not possible to keep/edit the expiry time in the raw watchlist? ◅ SebastianHelm (talk) 07:07, 6 January 2021 (UTC)

Reply to "Date in raw watchlist"

Half star icon graphic

Nick Moyes (talkcontribs)

Is there an svg file available of the new half-filled blue star used to indicate a temporarily watched page?

Shirayuki (talkcontribs)
Reply to "Half star icon graphic"
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