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Accidentally marked all as read

Prototyperspective (talkcontribs)

I accidentally clicked on the blue button to mark all as read above the blue button to mark only the most recent notification as read. I also can't see the notifications anymore under "All notifications". Is there a way to undo that marking or see the items most recently marked as read?

Quiddity (WMF) (talkcontribs)

There is not a way to undo that, but you can see the page Special:Notifications at each individual wiki to see any that were cross-wiki notifications.

Prototyperspective (talkcontribs)

Okay. Maybe showing a "undo mark all as read" there would be possible and/or not showing the same blue mark as read button just above the mark item as read while looking exactly the same (e.g. rather differently at the bottom).

Reply to "Accidentally marked all as read"

Remove notifications from private wiki

1108-Kiju (talkcontribs)

About Help:Notifications/Cross-wiki

Hello, I'm a Miraheze user.

On a private wiki, when the read permission is removed from an account, will naturally receive a notification, but because do not have read permission, will not be able to see what notification have received, no will be able to remove it further. It does not have permissions, does not have access to personal settings, and cannot disable cross-wiki notifications from that wiki.

As a result, unread notifications continue to remain in the notification icon.

To solve this problem, can it be changed so that notifications can be removed even if do not have read permission on the wiki? Thanks

Reply to "Remove notifications from private wiki"

Cannot see read cross-wiki notifications

Renamed user 6907cec52323a7d54b85dc472c6b6619 (talkcontribs)

In meta.wikimedia.org and en.wikipedia.org I have cross-wiki notifications enabled and I receive them normally. However, once read, there is no way to access them any longer. The list that is dropped down when clicking on the bell icon does not include them, and clicking on All Notifications also does not show them.

Trizek (WMF) (talkcontribs)

I think it is a feature: you have to go to the local wiki to find back the notification.

Renamed user 6907cec52323a7d54b85dc472c6b6619 (talkcontribs)

Well, for some reason there are 81 wikis my account is associated with (see CentralAuth, I can't paste links here). I remember receiving a notification in one of them, but don't remember which.

Trizek (WMF) (talkcontribs)

Some plans were made in the past to have Special:Notifications being a sort of inbox, where messages from everywhere would be visible. Some technical difficulties so as a low interest from communities have put a low priority on this feature. And at the moment, there is no plans to change anything on Notifications. Sorry.

My account is connected to 527 wikis, and I edited 127 of them. I switched to email notifications the ones I edit less (or not at all), to keep track of the messages coming from them easily. I know that you look for an on-wiki solution, but I hope that this alternative would help.

Reply to "Cannot see read cross-wiki notifications"

Clarification re muted users

Equinox (talkcontribs)

Unclear from the current documentation: what happens when a muted user tries to "thank" you? Does it prevent them? (This would appear to violate the claim that "a user's mute list is private from all other users on the wiki, including administrators or any other functionary".) Or does it let them go ahead, but you just never actually see their thanks?

Trizek (WMF) (talkcontribs)

It mutes every notification.

2804:868:D043:BE88:9CE7:776:9E0F:9F4E (talkcontribs)


Reply to "Clarification re muted users"

Two discussion forums for the same topic?

Ottawahitech (talkcontribs)

Does Talk:Notifications have a different purpose than this discussion forum? Thanks in advance

Trizek (WMF) (talkcontribs)

What do you mean?

Ottawahitech (talkcontribs)
Trizek (WMF) (talkcontribs)

I would say that Help talk:Notifications is about using notifications, and Talk:Notifications is about the project. But personally, I don't have a preference as to where the messages are posted, as far as it is on Mediawiki.

Ottawahitech (talkcontribs)

Actually to be honest, I personally would much rather know which employees are assigned by the WMF to answer questions on each forum. I find that some employees are sincerely interested in helping users, while others have probably been assigned by their manager to do something they do not enjoy, but are getting paid to do. Just my $.02

By the way, is there a list of all the different Flow discussion forums available on this site?

Trizek (WMF) (talkcontribs)

Project pages are sometimes a maze. On projects I'm assigned to, I try to keep them updated.

At the moment, there are no plans regarding improvements of Notifications. The maintenance of this tool is done by the Growth team. In this role, I keep an eye of the feedback pages in case of some ideas are suggested (they are then liste on Phabicator for the future), and also to help people who face a particular problem and report potential bug.

And there is no way to list all discussions happening on a wiki, I'm sorry.

Ottawahitech (talkcontribs)

@ Trizek (WMF):

> At the moment, there are no plans regarding improvements of Notifications. The maintenance of this tool is done by the Growth team.

So this project is currently on hold, but it is assigned to the Growth team? This is unusual, don't you think?

Trizek (WMF) (talkcontribs)

Growth takes care of maintenance for this piece of Mediawiki. It means that we collect bug reports and fix urgent issues. Requests for improvements are documented for future development plans. It is the usual process for extensions used on Wikimedia websites.

I don't know how familiar you are with the difference between development and maintenance in our context. It is like with a building: there is a difference between planning moving a wall to add a new door (development plan) and changing lightbulbs or fuses when electricity is down (maintenance).

Reply to "Two discussion forums for the same topic?"

Cross-wiki notifications on mobile

HHill (talkcontribs)

When I get a notification from another wiki on mobile, I see the red number but tapping on it only the (older) local notifications, not the notification from the other wiki like on desktop.

Reply to "Cross-wiki notifications on mobile"

how to implement on a MW 1.31 wikifarm?

Revansx (talkcontribs)

I'm running a 1.31 wiki-farm using meza which does not configure cross-wiki notifications by default. How do I implement this? Where are the config instructions?

Roan Kattouw (WMF) (talkcontribs)

Config instructions for the Echo extension are here. For cross-wiki notifications, you have to set $wgEchoCrossWikiNotifications = true; in the settings file for each wiki.

Cross-wiki notifications only work if you have shared user logins across your farm. I'm not very familiar with Meza, but it looks like you have to set up a shared user table for this to work, by designating a primary wiki. Then set $wgEchoSharedTrackingDB to the database name of the primary wiki.

Finally, you'll need the main stash ($wgMainStash) and the WAN cache ($wgMainWANCache) to be shared between all wikis. Without this, cross-wiki notifications will work, but the counters showing how many notifications you have won't update correctly. I don't know whether Meza uses shared caches by default, or how to set that up within Meza, that's a question for the Meza people. But if you follow these instructions and then notice that you can see unread notifications from one wiki on another wiki, but that marking a notification as read doesn't decrease the unread notification counters on other wikis (or that receiving a new notification doesn't increase the counters on other wikis), this is probably what's wrong.

Revansx (talkcontribs)

I'll give it a try and let you know. Thanks!

Reply to "how to implement on a MW 1.31 wikifarm?"

Cross-wiki notifications thumbnail gets to deadlock

Summary by Quiddity (WMF)


ŠJů (talkcontribs)

At the Czech Wikipedia, quoted notifications gets to deadlock when clicked unwrap.

Trizek (WMF) (talkcontribs)

Hi ŠJů

I'm not sure to understand. Can you provide me a screenshot of what you see?

ŠJů (talkcontribs)
Quiddity (WMF) (talkcontribs)
ŠJů (talkcontribs)

These bugs may be related but are not identic.

Quiddity (WMF) (talkcontribs)

Ah, based on your screenshots, I think it might be phab:T135252. A few other bugs were fixed today. Are you still getting the deadlock?

ŠJů (talkcontribs)

A link to this your answer works correctly.

IKhitron (talkcontribs)

Hi. Could you please add an explanation of muted users list. Should it have each user on a new line? Comma separated? Semicolon separated? Users in double brackets single space separated? Something else? Thank you.

Quiddity (WMF) (talkcontribs)
IKhitron (talkcontribs)

Great. Thank you.

جولينا (talkcontribs)

مرحبا انا مستخدمة مسجلة بحساب اخر باسم ارينا سجلت الخروج بدون قصد ونسيت كلمة السر

Trizek (WMF) (talkcontribs)


You can retrieve the password if a email address has been attached to the account (help). If that's not the case, no one can do anything.

On most wikis, you are not supposed to act on behalf of someone. You should create a new account.

جولينا (talkcontribs)

مرحبا اسفة انا لم افهم ما تحاول قوله لأنني في الحقيقة معلوماتي في الإنجليزية محدودة ايمكن ان تشرحلي بالعربية

Trizek (WMF) (talkcontribs)
Avicenno (talkcontribs)

ييمكنك استخدام خيار نسيت كلمة السر لتصلك كلمة السر على البريد الذي اضفتيه للحساب واذا لم تستطيعي فعلى الاغلب عليك القيام بانشاء حساب جديد

Avicenno (talkcontribs)
Trizek (WMF) (talkcontribs)

Great! Much thanks!

جولينا (talkcontribs)

آسفة لم أضع بريد الكتروني كما انني كلما أردت إنشاء حساب جديد اجدنفسي ممنوعة برغم ان المستخدمة ارينا غير ممنوعة انا حزينة

Avicenno (talkcontribs)

من هي أرينا؟

جولينا (talkcontribs)

ارينا هو حسابي في ويكيبيديا

Avicenno (talkcontribs)

ممكن رابط له؟

جولينا (talkcontribs)

لم افهم

جولينا (talkcontribs)

لم افهم

Avicenno (talkcontribs)

رابط لحسابك ارينا

جولينا (talkcontribs)

اسفة لم افهمك يمكن شرح تفصيلي

Avicenno (talkcontribs)

اريد رابط للصفحة الشخصية لحسابك الاخر على ويكيبيديا

جولينا (talkcontribs)

انا كاتبه عن اول نوفمبر وعن حكم أعجبتني

جولينا (talkcontribs)

أهذا يكفي ام تود المزيد

Avicenno (talkcontribs)

لم اجد حسابا يحمل هذا الاسم هل يمكنك تقديم وصلة لمقالة عدلتها او كتبتها؟

جولينا (talkcontribs)

أخي مصعب اود إنشاء حساب جديد

جولينا (talkcontribs)

ايمكنك مساعدتي

Avicenno (talkcontribs)
جولينا (talkcontribs)

قالو لي انني ممنوعة ساعدني 😞

Avicenno (talkcontribs)

ارسلي نص الرسالة التي تظهرلك

جولينا (talkcontribs)

لا يمكنك إنشاء حساب انت ممنوعة

جولينا (talkcontribs)

هذا هو نص الرسالة 😞

Avicenno (talkcontribs)

ممكن ترسلي صورة او تنسخي نص الرسالة حرفيا

جولينا (talkcontribs)

اسفة لا أعرف ان انسخ

جولينا (talkcontribs)


Avicenno (talkcontribs)

للاسف لا يمكنني المساعدة فلا أمتلك البيانات اللازمة لمساعدتك

جولينا (talkcontribs)

لا عليك صديقي العزيز في النهاية انت اتعبتك معي كثيرا واوجعت لك راسك شكرا جزيل الشكر وأتمنى لك باقي الوقات سعادة اسفة سامحني ☺

جولينا (talkcontribs)

ولكن سؤال خارجي مامعنى بيانات لازمة ممكن تشرحلي اذا اردت طبعا وان كان هذا لا يزعجك

Avicenno (talkcontribs)

يعني رسالة المنع، رابط للحساب الممنوع او اسمه الدقيق او رابط لسجل المنع او توقيته وهذا يساعدني على التحقق اما الوضع الحالي فلا استطيع التحقق من شيء

جولينا (talkcontribs)

اتقصد متى منع المستخدم مثلا؟

Avicenno (talkcontribs)

يمكن لو كان بدقة توقيته

جولينا (talkcontribs)

حسنا ولكن انا لا اظن ان المستخدم ارينا منع وذلك عندما كنت مسجلة لم اقم باي مخالفات

تؤدي الى منعي

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