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JackBortone (talkcontribs)

This special page needs to have more restrictive rate limiting options for anon users in order to block bots targeting our mediawiki instance. Ideally we would like to use something like:

$wgRateLimits['anon']['linksearch'] = [ 1, 86400 ];

Reply to "Ratelimiting"

Did External links search (Special:LinkSearch) change?

OlafJanssen (talkcontribs)

Hi, back in 2020 I used Special:LinkSearch to find articles contaning certain URL patters. I used it to search for articles that contain URLs that started with strictly "http://kb.nl" (so not "https://kb.nl", "http://www.kb.nl", "http://*.kb.nl" or similar patterns). Back then this query only returned URLs stricty starting with "http://kb.nl"

3 years later: I just tried this query again (https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Special:LinkSearch&limit=500&offset=0&target=http%3A%2F%2Fkb.nl), but now I get results with URLS starting with http://www.kb.nl, http://liber-maps.kb.nl, http://poortman.kb.nl/, http://bltvn.kb.nl, http://opc4.kb.nl and other subdomains of http://kb.nl as well. That's not what I need.

Has the functionality of Special:LinkSearch indeed changed since 2020? And how can I get back the 'old' functionality? Can I tweak the API-call to serve the old functionality?

OlafJanssen (talkcontribs)
Reply to "Did External links search (Special:LinkSearch) change?"
OlafJanssen (talkcontribs)

I was wondering if it possible

1) to call a Linksearch query programmatically via the API and

2 get the results back in json (or even XML) format.

Couldn't find it on this page...

Thanks !

OlafJanssen (talkcontribs)

I found the answer: it can be done via the API: https://www.wikidata.org/w/api.php?action=help&modules=query%2Bexturlusage

For instance on Wikidata, looking for Q-items (namespace=0) that contain URLs with the pattern "https://resolver.kb.nl", max 500 results, as json


In the External links search webinterface this woud be https://www.wikidata.org/w/index.php?title=Special:LinkSearch&limit=500&offset=0&target=https%3A%2F%2Fresolver.kb.nl

Reply to "API access (json)"

LinkSearch to interwiki'ed links in content

Bennylin (talkcontribs)

Hi, I'm trying to find all the pages in Wiktionary that has link to Wikimedia Species, of which there are hundreds, but when I run the search for species.wikimedia.org it returned no result. So I suppose that method doesn't work for special interwiki links. Is there a way to achieve this using Linksearch or other tools?


Bennylin (talkcontribs)

One example of such page:

Reply to "LinkSearch to interwiki'ed links in content"
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