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This page is a translated version of the page Help:Searching and the translation is 65% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.
PD Myndin: Whan ye eedit this page, ye agree tae release yer contreebution unner the CC0. See The Publeec Domain Heelp Pages fer mair info. PD
For documentation of the search feature in Wikimedia wikis, see Help:CirrusSearch .

The quickest wa tae fynd information in MediaWiki is tae luik it up directlie. In the Vector skin (the defaut MediaWiki skin sin MW 1.16), naur the tap richt o ilka page thaur's ae rake kist wi ae magneefiein glaiss icon

Enter yer rake terms n press Enter or clap the magneefiein glaiss icon. Gif ae page haes the same title aes whit ye entered, ye jump straicht til that page. Itherwise, it rakes aw pages oan the wiki (wi some restreections, see ablo), n gies ae leet o airticles that matched yer rake terms, or ae message that nae matches were fond.

Hou it wairks

  • It Rakes aw pages oan the wiki wi some restreections.
  • The airticle content is rakit in its raw (wikitex) form - i.e., it rakes the tex that kiths in the eedit kist whan ye clap “edit”, na the rendered page. This means that content comin fae aen incluied template will na be picked up, bit the tairget o pipet links will be.
  • The rake functionalitie can be conseedered tae operate oan hale wairds, separated bi spaces or ither punctuation maurks. Sae gif yer rake term incluids the waird 'buik', the ootcomes will na incluid pages that yinlie hae the waird 'buiks' or 'buiklet'. N gif yer rake term incluids the term 'inter', the ootcomes will na incluid pages that yinlie hae the waird 'international', bit thay micht incluid pages that hae the term 'inter-national'.
  • The ootcomes will yinlie incluid pages that contain aw the wairds in yer rake.
  • You can search for all words that begin with a prefix by adding * at the end of a word in your query. For example, book* will return results for book and books.
  • You can search for a phrase using double quotes.

A phrase can be considered to consist of whole words, so the phrase 'Prime Minister' will not be found by a search for "ime Min", but it will be found by a search for "Prime Minister".

Restreectin the rake

Gif ye clap the “Rake” button wioot fillin oniething in, ye'll be taen til “"Special:Search"”, that gies ye extra rakin opties (available fae onie rake ootcomes leet ava)

Ye micht fynd it uissfu tae restreect ae rake til pages wiin ae parteecular namespace e.g., yinlie rake wiin the User pages. Check the namespaces that ye need fer this rake.

See also