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This page is a translated version of the page Help:Notifications/Thanks and the translation is 42% complete.
PD 注意: このページを編集すると、編集内容が CC0 のもとで公開されることに同意したと見なされます。詳細はパブリック・ドメインのヘルプ ページを参照してください。 PD

Thanks 通知は、ウィキ上で肯定的なフィードバックを示す手段を提供します。 この機能の目的は、肯定的なフィードバックを即座に示すことで、生産的な貢献であることを認識できるようにすることです。 この機能は、有用な編集を行った利用者に「ありがとう」の通知を、履歴ページや差分ページにある小さな「感謝」リンクを使用して送信できるようにします。


To make it as easy to show appreciation for each other's work as it is to express disagreement or disapproval. 個人的な注記を書く時間がないものの、感謝の気持ちを示したい場合もあるでしょう。 Thanks は編集に「感謝」を示すための手軽な方法です。

不適切な編集に対処するのは簡単です。 記事の履歴ページで「取り消し」(または可能な場合は「巻き戻し」) を押すだけです。 This is a good thing, because it keeps the wiki from being overrun.

However, if you thought an edit was good, there was not much you could do about it quickly, before Thanks was implemented. The only way we could tell others they did a good job was to go to their user talk page and post a message. This takes some effort, and doesn't really work for 'small' contributions – a set of typo fixes is most welcome, but maybe not worth a barnstar. Thanks では、より素早い方法を提供します。



This feature, which we're just calling "Thanks ", makes it easy for you to express your gratitude, using the notifications tool . It's a simple way to thank another editor for a revision, when viewing it in history or diff view, as shown below:

Option in list of contributions

To thank other users or see the thanks you have received, you must be a registered user and be logged in.




他の利用者に感謝するには、ページの「履歴表示 」タブをアクセスしてください。 Next to each revision will be a "感謝" link (next to "取り消し"). This link has a title that reads "この利用者に感謝の通知を送信する". This link is also available in the diff view, and below comments on Structured Discussions (formerly known as “Flow”) boards if StructuredDiscussions is installed. その利用者に感謝を送るためにはリンクをクリックしてください。



When the thank link is clicked, you will be asked to confirm Yes or no. The page will return to its previous state if no is clicked.

If yes is clicked, the recipient will receive a notification.



Notices 通知

The recipient will receive a notification.

The notification will include the following information.

  • Primary information: Who thanked the recipient, where, and about what.

Linked to the diff or to the message on Structured Discussions that the recipient is thanked for.

  • Details: a link to your user page , a text snippet from the edit (or its summary) and if it was on a Structured discussion board to the page.

A record of the action is also recorded as a log entry at Special:Log/thanks.



This is part of the notification system . You'll be notified of anyone thanking you, unless you have turned off Thanks notification.

感謝 通知

You will receive a notification if someone thanks you.

Notices 通知

The notification will include the following information.

  • Primary information: Who thanked you, where, and about what.

Linked to the diff or to the message on Structured Discussions that you are thanked for.

  • Details: link to the user who thanked you, a text snippet from your edit (or its summary) and if it was on a Structured discussion board to the page.


  • To prevent abuse, you can't thank more than ten people in a minute.
  • You can only thank other registered users; edits by IP users or automated bots cannot be thanked.
  • You cannot thank yourself.


The Thanks feature should be used as a simple, personal message of gratitude, rather than a public endorsement of edits. Thanks messages are noted in Special:Log/thanks, so it's possible to monitor the volume of Thanks being given out. It's not possible to use this feature directly from user's ウォッチリスト or 最近の更新 page. They are only in page histories and edit-diff pages.

The Thanks feature is best used to encourage good work rather than bad work. You do not (and should not) Thank someone for thanking you as these messages should be reserved as small acknowledgments, especially towards new editors to encourage more participation.


To see every thanks you have received, visit the Thanks log. Type in "User:" followed by your user name in the "Target" field, then hit enter. Now the log shows only the thanks that were given to your edits. You will only be able to see who thanked you, and when. The log does not record what edit of yours that triggered each thank you. To find that out, you're better off browsing your Notification archive: Special:Notifications. The notification for each thanks (as opposed to the thanks log itself) does preserve the edit for which you were thanked; clicking a notification for a thanks takes you directly to the diff of the edit you made that somebody thanked you for.


You need to visit the Thanks log, and filter it on your own user name. (Visit the log and type in your own user name under "Performer", then hit enter. Now the log shows only the thanks you have given out).

You will only be able to see who you thanked, and when. The log does not record the specific edits, and you cannot access other editors' notifications.




  1. 右上の「個人設定」をクリックします。
  2. 個人設定 メニューの「通知」をクリックします。
  3. 「以下の場合に通知を受け取る」の中の「感謝」について「ウェブ」と「メール」の両方のチェックを解除します。

通知ツールの使用法についてのヒントは、通知 を参照してください。
