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This page is a translated version of the page Help:Notifications/Special:Notifications and the translation is 38% complete.

The Special:Notifications page is a page available on each wiki, which regroups all Notifications displayed to user. That special page is an inbox for all notifications you can receive.

Aparéncia de la pagina Especial:Notificacions

Cossí trobar aquesta pagina ?

There is a link to Special:Notifications at the bottom of both notifications panels (red and blue).

Podètz accedir dirèctament a Especial:Notificacions per dos mejans :

  • if you have disabled JavaScript, clicking on a notifications icon (red and blue both work)
  • if you haven't disabled JavaScript, deciding to open that link in a new tab (possible ways to achieve that: mouse-wheel clicking, right-clicking and select "open in a new tab", Ctrl+click...).

Aparéncia de la pagina

Special:Notifications has been designed to look like an email inbox.

La pagina es devesida en tres zònas :

Filtres Navigacion
Lista de las notificacions

Special:Notifications uses JavaScript to improve user experience, but can work without it.

Special:Notifications has a limited width to facilitate readability.

Foncionalitats actualament disponiblas

By clicking on buttons on top you can switch between read, unread or all notifications. Las notificacions son afichadas per pagina de 50.

If you have more than 50 notifications displayed, you can browse all notifications by using the navigation arrows, displayed in the navigation area or at the bottom of the list.

If you need to go back to your most recent notifications, a "Uèi" button is available.

Lista de las notificacions

This page provides a list of notifications in groups of 50. The most recent 2,000 notifications are displayed on Special:Notifications, and older ones are purged from the database to save space.

Mark notifications as read and unread

You can mark notifications as read by clicking on the blue dot in the corner of the notification.

Clicking on the empty circle in the corner of a read notification will mark that notification as unread.

Notifications are grouped by day.

You can mark each group as read individually.

You can mark all unread notifications from all sections as read by clicking on the cog icon:

If there are no notifications to display, an empty state is shown ("Non i a cap de notificacion que coïncidís amb aqueles critèris.").



The column on the left side of the notifications list (right side for left-to-right languages) is dedicated to filters.

Filters provide quick access to pending notifications and allow you to check on new activities.

When you click on a filter, all notifications from that filter are displayed on the notification list.

If there are notifications but the current filter can't display them, then an empty state message is shown ("Non i a cap de notificacion que coïncidís amb aqueles critèris.") and a button allows you to reset filters.

These notifications are grouped by wiki, and the wikis are sorted by the number of unread notifications on each wiki.

The wiki you are currently on is displayed first. If there are no cross-wiki notifications, the wiki you are currently on will be the only one displayed in filters list.

All pages with unread notifications are listed there, with a number indicating how many notifications are pending for that page. Notifications concerning your account (including talk page messages) are displayed first.

Foncionalitats futuras

Note: all these features are not yet available but their descriptions are written in the present tense to avoid extra work for translators. They will be moved to the appropriate section when available.

The navigation bar allows users to search for specific notifications or to change how the list of notifications is displayed.


Filtratge per tipe de notificacions

The filtering menu may make mobile navigation unconformable. Improvements are under investigation.

You can filter notifications by type. Types of notifications are listed on the Notifications help page.

Vejatz tanben