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Yordam:Rivojlanish/Asboblar/Havola qoʻshish

From mediawiki.org
This page is a translated version of the page Help:Growth/Tools/Add a link and the translation is 26% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.
Quyidagi tartib faqat tavsiya havolasi boʻlgan joyda amal qiladi.
Note that most Wikipedia language editions offer two types of link-related Suggested Edits, which can be managed through Community Configuration. This page specifically addresses the 'Add a link' (Structured Task).
"Oy" maqolasidagi havola yaratish kerak boʻlgan joyda "Add a link" (Havola qoʻshish) tasviri paydo boʻladi.

Add a link (Havola qoʻshish) tugmasi foydalanuvchilarga Viki tavsiya etgan havolalarni koʻrib chiqish imkonini beradi. Koʻrsatilgan havolalar maqolaga mos tushishi yoki mos tushmasligi mumkin. Foydalanuvchining vazifasi maqola kontekstidan kelib chiqib, havolalar toʻgʻri yoki yoʻqligini aniqlashdir.

Ushbu havolalarni qayerdan topish mumkin

"Add a link" (Havola qoʻshish) Vikilarga 2021-yil iyundan qoʻshila boshlagan.

"Add a link" (Havola qoʻshish) ham mobil, ham desktop uchun mavjud. Boshqa Growth xususiyatlari kabi "Add a link" ham Android va IOS dasturlari uchun mavjud emas.

Ushbu havolalarni Bosh sahifadan topa olasiz.

Ushbu asbob boʻyicha savol yoki takliflar boʻlsa, Let us know orqali murojaat qiling.

Bu qanday ishlaydi?

Havolalar avtomatik taklif qilinadi. Avtomatik tizim mukammal emas. Tavsiya etilgan havolalar 75% toʻgʻri boʻlsa-da, baribir qayta koʻrib chiqilishi kerak. Maqola uchun taklif qilingan havolalarni koʻrib chiqib, qaror qilishingiz mumkin. The suggestions might be on words that don’t need them, or might link to the wrong article. Use your judgment to decide whether they are right or wrong. Koʻrib chiqish uchun 2 tadan 10 tagacha havolalar taqdim etiladi.

Havolalarni qanday qoʻshish

Qadam 1
Bosh sahifaga oʻting
The homepage is the central place where are all Suggested edits are shown.
Step 2
If not already done, enable "Tavsiya etiladigan tahrirlar".
Step 3
In Suggested Edits, select "Add links between articles".
You can select the topic you want to work on.
Step 4
Find an article you'd like to work on.
Explanation of "Add a link"
Step 5
The article opens in "Suggested edits" mode.
You will see a small explanation panel, that summarizes how "Add a link" works. The guideline says:

Adding links will help people learn faster.
You will decide whether words in one MediaWiki article should link to other MediaWiki articles.
Example sentence
The moon is the only natural satellite that orbits around the Earth.
No special knowledge about the article is needed to do this task.

Suggested links are machine-generated, and can be incorrect.
The suggestions might be on words that don’t need them, or might link to the wrong article. Use your judgment to decide whether they are right or wrong.


  • Link concepts that a reader might want to learn more about.
  • Make sure the link is going to the right article.
  • Don't link common words, years, or dates.
  • If you're not sure, skip.
  • Step 6
    It is time to choose if suggested links should be added.
    Suggested links are machine-generated, and can be incorrect.
    Review each link carefully. Does it fits the context? Is it the right article to link to?

    Step 7
    Review each link carefully.
    You have two choices:
    • yes (it adds the link)
    • no (it won't add the link)
    When you have made your choice, you can click on "next".
    If you click on "next" without selecting "yes" or "no", it won't add the suggested link.
    Some guidelines:
  • Link concepts that a reader might want to learn more about.
  • Make sure the link is going to the right article.
  • Don't link common words, years, or dates.
  • If you're not sure, skip.
  • If you skip all links (by clicking on "next"), you will be asked if you'd like to review your selection.
    Save your changes: this summarizes which links you have added.
    What you see if you've skipped all suggestions
    Step 8
    Review and save
    When all suggested links have been reviewed, a summary is displayed. It shows your choices.
    If you are satisfied with your choice, click on "Oʻzgarishlarni chop etish…"
    If you want to change your selection, click on the cross.
    If you want to see how the links are inserted into the article's body, click on "Tahrirlaringizni tekshiring". It will return you to step 7.
    You have successfully added links to Wikipedia!
    Your edit is immediately visible in Wikipedia's recent changes page. It has been tagged as a Suggested Edit.


    These features are available for new accounts. Older accounts need to enable the Homepage and the Help panel in their preferences. Discover how to enable these features.

    Learn more

    "Add a link" is part of the "Structured tasks" project, from the Growth team.

    Add a link adds a new standard way to edit the wikis. Before, users could use "wikitext editing" or "visual editing". Add a link adds a new edit mode "suggested editing".

    To learn more about the project, and the system that finds links to suggest, please visit the project page.