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Help:Growth/Community configuration

From mediawiki.org
This page contains changes which are not marked for translation.
The following procedure is only applicable to wikis where the Growth tools are available .
To follow this guide, you need administrator access on the wiki.
Community configuration editing form on beta English Wikipedia – screenshot taken on 2021-04-20 (full version of the screenshot is available)

In 2021, the Growth team released Community configuration , a project allowing wiki administrators to customize certain aspects of the Growth features .

Community configuration can be accessed via Special:EditGrowthConfig. The special page can be opened by any user to view configuration of the Growth features, but only administrators can also change the configuration (see English Wikipedia's configuration form as an example).

The special page consists of several section, each allowing administrators to customize a certain subset of the features.



In the "Homepage" section, administrators can set two links that appear in the Homepage . The links appearing in this section are mandatory.



In the "Mentorship" section, administrators can customize how mentorship of new features will happen. There are three different options:

  • Are mentorship features enabled?: By switching this option to "No", administrators can fully disable mentorship. Default value is "Yes" (to enable mentorship)
  • Page containing list of mentors to be automatically assigned to newcomers: The name of a list of mentors that will be automatically assigned to new users (mentees).
  • Page containing list of mentors that can only be assigned manually: The name of a list of mentors that will not be automatically assigned to new users. Users listed in this list will be able to use the Mentor dashboard and the Claim mentee features.

For more information about how a mentor list should be formatted, please see Growth/Communities/How to configure the mentors' list .

Suggested edits


Help panel settings


In this section, it is possible to configure behavior of the help panel , which lets newcomer get help and ask questions while editing.

The following options can be changed:

  • Namespaces with the help panel disabled in both reading and editing mode: The Help panel will be fully disabled in namespaces listed here
  • Namespaces where the help panel is available in reading mode: In namespaces listed here, the Help panel will be available both in reading and editing mode
  • Namespaces to include in the help panel's free text search for help: When an user searches help pages via the Help panel, the following namespaces will be searched.
  • Where should questions from the help panel be directed?: The Help panel allows newcomers to ask questions. By default, they go to the newcomer's mentor. Administrators can make the questions go to the help desk instead.
  • Help desk page where questions should be posted from the help panel.: If Where should questions from the help panel be directed? is set to Help desk, this page is considered to be the community's help desk. Otherwise, this option is unused.
  • Where on the help desk page should new questions be posted?: The community can decide whether questions by newcomers should be posted at the top or bottom of the help desk. This does not affect questions posted to mentor's talk pages.
Top help pages about editing displayed by the Help panel.

The help panel can display up to five top help pages about editing. In this section, it is possible to change which links should be offered to newcomers.

The same set of pages will also appear in the Newcomer homepage 's Get help with editing module.