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Sîng-tióng/Siā-khu/Beh án-tsuánn sú-iōng tāi-bé tuānn-lo̍h

From mediawiki.org
This page is a translated version of the page Growth/Communities/How to use code snippets and the translation is 39% complete.

The Growth team develops a set of features in order to help newcomers making better first edits at the wikis.

During the development process, we have to make some tests to be sure that the features are working properly. This also allows communities to test the features in advance, to see how they work, how they can be integrated to their workflows or if the translations are correct.

The concerned features are deployed at some wikis in "dark mode". It means that the features aren't available for users in their regular editing experience. Instead, they are only available to users who have a "key", a small bit of code we call a "code snippet". This page explains how to use a code snippet.

It-puann lōo-kìng

Tē-1 pōo: Khak-pó teh lí-ê uiki tíng-kuân í-king phah-khui tsing-tióng ê kong-lîng

To turn the features on, you have to go to your preferences.

Tē-2 pōo: Teh liû-lám-khì lāi-té, tshòng-kiàn tsi̍t-ê sin-ê bookmark

  1. Give this bookmark a name.
  2. Copy-paste the snippet you want to use (see the snippets table).
  3. At the beginning of the snippet, add javascript:
    • Example: ge.utils.setUserVariant('imagerecommendation') will become javascript:ge.utils.setUserVariant('imagerecommendation').
  4. Save this bookmark.

Tē-3 pōo: Tsìn-ji̍p kū-thé hāng-bo̍k:Thâu-ia̍h

You can access the homepage by either:

  • typing Special:Homepage in your wiki's search bar
  • going to your userpage and click on the "首頁" tab

Tē-4 pōo: Tiám-tshi̍h bookmark

The page reloads, you now have access to the feature.

Thè-tāi lōo-kìng

This path works on desktop computers only, not on mobile devices.

Tē-2 pōo: Khak-pó teh lí-ê uiki tíng-kuân í-king phah-khui tsing-tióng ê kong-lîng

To turn the features on, you have to go to your preferences.

Tē-2 pōo: Tsìn-ji̍p kū-thé hāng-bo̍k:Thâu-ia̍h

You can access the homepage by either:

  • typing Special:Homepage in your wiki's search bar
  • going to your userpage and click on the "首頁" tab

Tē-3 pōo: Phah-khui kiám-tsa-khì

Do a right click on the page, and click on "Inspect".

Tē-4 pōo: Teh kiám-tsa-khì tíng-kuân, tshuē-tio̍h "Khòng-tsè-tâi" ê tshài-tuann uē-bīn

Tan tshi̍h khòng-tsè-tâi tshài-tuann uē-bīn.

Some browsers will ask you a confirmation step there. Please carefully read the instructions.

You may see some error messages being displayed. You can ignore them.

Tē-5 pōo: Teh khòng-tsè-tâi lāi-té, liâm-tah lí beh ài sú-iōng ê tāi-bé tuānn-lo̍h

The snippets are available in the snippets table.

Tē-6 pōo: Tshi̍h enter

The page reloads, you now have access to the feature.

Currently available snippets

Tuè-āu king-sin:

Kong-líng miâ-tshing Wikis where this feature is available Snippet to turn the feature on How do I know if I have activated the feature? Snippet to turn the feature off
Thinn-ka tôo-phìnn 阿拉伯語維基百科, 孟加拉語維基百科, 捷克語維基百科, 西班牙語維基百科, 波斯語維基百科, 法語維基百科, 葡萄牙語維基百科, 土耳其語維基百科 ge.utils.setUserVariant('imagerecommendation') In the "建議編輯" section, you will see a new task "為無插圖的條目新增圖片". This task has a small robot icon close to the task name.
