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Google Summer of Code 2024 and Outreachy Round 28/Monthly Highlights/July 2024

From mediawiki.org

 Highlights from the month of July 2024

This page highlights learnings from the blogposts of Google Summer of Code 2024 (GSoC) contributors and Outreachy 2024 interns. The coding period for both programs started in May 2024 and goes until August 23rd for Outreachy and August 26 for GSoC.

During the month of July, our participants were full on coding their projects, implementing technical approaches and testing their features with users while requesting feedback. They've been participating in Zulip meetings with fellow interns and other experts from GSoC and Outreachy and have been busy submitting weekly Phabricator reports and a few blog posts. Here's a small sampling of some of their mid-term blog posts:

Progress that has been made (so far!)

The community bonding period was an excellent experience. It was initially a bit daunting to start on the new features and explore the related extensions with PageTriage. However, my mentors were extremely supportive, and I could reach out to them anytime I encountered difficulties. We even had a welcome party with all the GSoC and Outreachy mentees and some mentors, which was a great opportunity to get to know everyone. I learned a lot about the organization and how different projects are handled.

Angel Sharma, GSoC

...focused on finishing up previously started pull requests and issues. I mainly focused on localization and set up all strings we need with explanations in Weblate to prepare them for localization work. Furthermore, I also did the German localization myself, since I am a native speaker. ...The second focus of Scribe iOS was to be able to select which language you use to translate from. ...I had a call with two of my mentors, Andrew and Henrik, to help me with creating an approach to this issue. We split the issue into multiple facets, to plan out the development further. It helped me to take an approach and gave me more confidence for this task, and I started work right away.

Marcel Mehl, GSoC

I started working on the primary focus of my GSoC project which is the implementation of the Pending and Failed Uploads Screen. I worked over the functionalities such as resume and pause of the uploads. I also implemented retry for failed uploads in the Failed Screen. ...During this time I participated in the Indic-Wikimedia Hackathon held in Guwahati, India. It was a wonderful experience as I worked on a small project during that time. It was also a great opportunity to network and collaborate with new people who are actively contributing to the Wikimedia Movement.

Kanahia Kaushal, GsoC

My Outreachy internship has been an incredible platform to kickstart my open-source journey. Here’s what I hope to achieve: (1)Building Lasting Connections: I want to develop lasting relationships with my mentors that extend beyond the internship period. Their guidance and support are invaluable to me. (2)Continued Engagement: My journey with Wikimedia doesn’t end with this internship. I aspire to contribute to IndicWiki as a developer and am willing to volunteer my time and skills to Wikimedia. If anyone can help me connect with the community, that would be fantastic! (3)Real Project Contribution: I am excited to dive into real-world projects, gain hands-on experience, and make a tangible impact through my work.

Mahima Agarwal, Outreachy

As I progress through my experience with the Outreachy internship, I find it crucial to take the time to introspect and reevaluate my career objectives and ambitions. This internship has played a pivotal role in shaping my perspective and has given me a more defined sense of direction for the future. With that in mind, I would like to delve into a comprehensive overview of my career aspirations, the specific domains of work that ignite my passion, and the valuable skills that I possess and can contribute to the industry. Having been raised in Nigeria, I have been exposed to a rich tapestry of diverse cultures and traditions, which has significantly shaped my worldview. This exposure has not only cultivated my appreciation for multiculturalism but also honed my ability to thrive in various cultural environments. My upbringing has instilled in me a strong sense of resilience and adaptability, qualities that have proven to be indispensable in the fast-paced and constantly evolving tech industry. These experiences have equipped me with a unique perspective, enabling me to approach challenges with creativity and an open mind.

James Okolie, Outreachy

Working over lingua libre through Google Summer of Code has been my great pleasure. I am very grateful to have highly supportive, understanding, and knowledgeable mentors. ...The journey involved me working over an entirely new framework for me in frontend, vue.js, and my secondary backend framework, django. (My primary tech stack is MERN). Things were challenging at first, especially in the front, where I didn’t know about basic concepts in vue.js like emitting events, refs, v-model, etc. There was an entirely new component library to work with, i.e., Codex. A new component library along with a new framework was initially a challenging part

Pushkar Bansal, GSoC

Thank you for reading - check back next month for new updates! You can follow the work of these contributors and interns by subscribing to their project on Phabricator and giving them feedback. All project information is available on the individual Google Summer of Code 2024 (GSoC) and Outreachy 2024 program pages.