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This page is a translated version of the page GapFinder and the translation is 100% complete.


A screenshot from the beta version of GapFinder.

BFinder Wikipedian edukiaren estaldura-hutsuneak betetzeko metodoak bilatzeko eta emateko diseinatutako tresna-multzoa da. Aktiboki garatzen ari da, gomendio-algoritmoek edukiak sortzean dituzten eraginak malguago probatzeko eta erabiltzaileek zerbitzuan duten atzeraelikadura handiagoa lortzeko.

Proba ezazu

The experimental tool is hosted on Wikimedia Cloud VPS. Information collected when you visit this site, and through your use of the tool, is governed by this privacy statement (not the main Wikimedia Privacy Policy).

You can access the beta version of the tool at https://recommend.wmflabs.org. The alpha version is available at https://recommend-alpha.wmflabs.org.

Feedback is welcome at the talk page. Feature requests and bug reports can also be submitted through Phabricator.


“ Each day, thousands of volunteer editors are filling knowledge gaps by creating new Wikipedia articles, translating existing ones, and identifying poorly covered topics in any given language. However, discovering and deciding what to edit can be a daunting task, both for editors who are new to Wikipedia and for more-seasoned ones. ”

—Wikimedia blog

Editoreei zereginei buruzko gomendio pertsonalizatuak emateko tresna-multzoa da GapFinder. Editoreak gai dira tresnari hazi-artikulu bat emateko, beren interesen antzeko gomendioak lortzeko.


Hizkuntza batean bai baina beste batean ez dauden sorkuntzarako artikuluak gomendatzea.

Dauden artikuluei gehitzeko atalak gomendatu. Gomendio horiek egoera esperimentalean daude, ikerketa-proiektua martxan baitago. They can be explored using the alpha version of GapFinder.

Ikus baita