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From mediawiki.org

While looking for a quick and reliable way to get complete working backups, I stumbled over these shell scripts. They were originally designed for Drupal, but can easily be adapted for use with MediaWiki.

Fullsitebackup creates a complete backup of the files of a MediaWiki installation and of its database. Fullsiterestore restores both. Also, the scripts can be used to migrate a MediaWiki installation from one to another host.

Please note that these scripts have some limitations, have some security risks, and are not tested thoroughly.

To do: Testing; handling of charsets; handling of innodb tables and lots more.

License: The original scripts are part of the Drupal handbook; the pages were written by different contributors and can be used in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 License.

# fullsitebackup.sh V1.2
# Full backup of website files and database content.
# A number of variables defining file location and database connection
# information must be set before this script will run.
# Files are tar'ed from the root directory of the website. All files are
# saved. The MySQL database tables are dumped without a database name and
# and with the option to drop and recreate the tables.
# ----------------------
# 05-Jul-2007 - Quick adaptation for MediaWiki (currently testing)
# ----------------------
# March 2007 Updates - Version for Drupal
# - Updated script to resolve minor path bug
# - Added mysql password variable (caution - this script file is now a security risk - protect it)
# - Generates temp log file
# - Updated backup and restore scripts have been tested on Ubunutu Edgy server w/Drupal 5.1
# - Enjoy! BristolGuy
## Parameters:
# tar_file_name (optional)
# Configuration

# Database connection information
dbname="wikidb" # (e.g.: dbname=wikidb)
dbuser="" # (e.g.: dbuser=wikiuser)
dbpw="" # (e.g.: dbuser password)

# Website Files
webrootdir="/var/www/w" # (e.g.: webrootdir=/home/user/public_html)

# Variables

# Default TAR Output File Base Name
datestamp=`date +'%m-%d-%Y'`

# Execution directory (script start point)
logfile=$startdir"/fullsite.log" # file path and name of log file to use

# Temporary Directory

# Input Parameter Check

if test "$1" = ""

# Begin logging
echo "Beginning mediawiki site backup using fullsitebackup.sh ..." > $logfile
# Create temporary working directory
echo " Creating temp working dir ..." >> $logfile
mkdir $tempdir

# TAR website files
echo " TARing website files into $webrootdir ..." >> $logfile
cd $webrootdir
tar cf $startdir/$tempdir/filecontent.tar .

# sqldump database information
echo " Dumping mediawiki database, using ..." >> $logfile
echo " user:$dbuser; database:$dbname host:$dbhost " >> $logfile
cd $startdir/$tempdir
mysqldump --host=$dbhost --user=$dbuser --password=$dbpw --add-drop-table $dbname > dbcontent.sql

# Create final backup file
echo " Creating final compressed (tgz) TAR file: $tarname ..." >> $logfile
tar czf $startdir/$tarname filecontent.tar dbcontent.sql

# Cleanup
echo " Removing temp dir $tempdir ..." >> $logfile
cd $startdir
rm -r $tempdir

# Exit banner
echo "Backup completed $endtime, TAR file at $tarname. " >> $logfile