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Extension talk:TEI/Flow

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Summary by Cavila

The extension is not compatible with MW 1.32 or lower, but should be working fine in 1.33+. Tested with MW 1.35.

Cavila (talkcontribs)

Thanks for this new extension! I know others, too, have been looking for something like it. I gave it a try but stumbled on an internal error.

[XST2M38AAAEAADhJOf4AAAAP] [...]index.php?title=TEI:Example&action=submit Error from line 37 of [...]extensions/TEI/includes/TeiContent.php: Call to undefined method MediaWiki\Extension\Tei\TeiContent::getText()


#0 [...]extensions/TEI/includes/TeiContent.php(69): MediaWiki\Extension\Tei\TeiContent->getDOMDocumentStatus()

#1 [...]includes/page/WikiPage.php(2089): MediaWiki\Extension\Tei\TeiContent->preSaveTransform(Title, User, ParserOptions)

#2 [...]includes/page/WikiPage.php(1655): WikiPage->prepareContentForEdit(MediaWiki\Extension\Tei\TeiContent, NULL, User, string, boolean)

#3 [...]includes/EditPage.php(2214): WikiPage->doEditContent(MediaWiki\Extension\Tei\TeiContent, string, integer, boolean, User, string, array, integer)

#4 [...]includes/EditPage.php(1506): EditPage->internalAttemptSave(array, boolean)

#5 [...]includes/EditPage.php(652): EditPage->attemptSave(array)

#6 [...]includes/actions/EditAction.php(60): EditPage->edit()

#7 [...]includes/actions/SubmitAction.php(38): EditAction->show()

#8 [...]includes/MediaWiki.php(500): SubmitAction->show()

#9 [...]includes/MediaWiki.php(294): MediaWiki->performAction(Article, Title)

#10 [...]includes/MediaWiki.php(861): MediaWiki->performRequest()

#11 [...]includes/MediaWiki.php(524): MediaWiki->main()

#12 [...]index.php(42): MediaWiki->run()

#13 {main}

(MW 1.31)

I should immediately add to this that I haven't installed Math or VisualEditor, but I'm not sure if they are hard requirements. I noticed that the tool labs site runs on MediaWiki 1.34. it supposed to work on MediaWiki 1.31 or has it been designed for later versions?

Tpt (talkcontribs)

Hello @Cavila. I have not designed the extension to run below MediaWiki 1.33 and it's an error related to a method added in MediaWiki 1.33. If you could upgrade to MediaWiki 1.33 it should work without troubles. If not, I could probably make some tweaks to make it work but stuff like the VisualEditor are quite hard to keep working on a big range of MediaWiki versions.

Cavila (talkcontribs)

Thanks for your rely. Personally, I prefer to go from one LTS release to another (the next one, 1.34, is scheduled for release in November this year). My initial intention is try things out and so for purposes of experimentation, I'm considering to install a test wiki that runs on 1.33 - that'll do for me.

Cavila (talkcontribs)

Just letting you know that the extension is working after an upgrade to MW 1.35.

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