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Extension talk:SemanticComments/Flow

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Not working in MW 1.27

Krabina (talkcontribs)

Tried it on a fresh install on MS 1.27.

The yellow excamation mark is shown, but no form for entering comments.Console shows:

"Exception in module-execute in module ext.ce.comment:load.php:178:411

TypeError: $.browser is undefined TypeError: $.browser is undefined"

Reply to "Not working in MW 1.27"

Completely broken in MW 1.25

Krabina (talkcontribs)

in MW 1.25 I can see the orange exclamation mark, but nothing else. It is not working at all.

Krabina (talkcontribs)

the solution for this is to replace

'dependencies' => array( 'ext.smw.sorttable' )


'dependencies' => array( 'ext.smw.sorttable', 'ext.jquery.migration.browser.js', )

in CE_GlobalFunctions.php on line 181. And to put the script ext.jquery.migration.browser.js from /extensions/SemanticResultFormats/resources/jquery/ to the scripts directory of SemanticComments.

Then it seems to work, but no new comments can be added (see my remark "Not working in MW 1.23.10" below).

Reply to "Completely broken in MW 1.25"

Not working in MW 1.23.10 and SMW 2.2.2

Krabina (talkcontribs)

I upgraded to MW 1.23.10 and SMW 2.2.2. No error messages are displayed but when you enter a comment, it says everything is fine, the page reloads, but then the comments are gone!

Can anybody confirm this?

Reply to "Not working in MW 1.23.10 and SMW 2.2.2"

AjaxDispatcher deprecated

Kghbln (talkcontribs)

AjaxDispatcher will be removed from MediaWiki core with version 1.26. Since this extension probably uses it, it should be migrated to an API module as this e-mail suggests. There is also a tracking bug. Thanks and cheers

Reply to "AjaxDispatcher deprecated"

Parser function not recognized

DaNASCAT (talkcontribs)

Whenever I typed in {{ShowComments|true}} to my installation, I get a template redlink.

I am running MW1.23, SMW2.0, ParserFunctions1.6, and Variables2.0.1

Reply to "Parser function not recognized"

Error in MW 1.23, SMW 2.0

Krabina (talkcontribs)

Hi, I just upgraded from MW 1.20, SMW to MW 1.23 and SMW 2.0. I downloades SC for MW 1.23 and recieve the following error: Fatal error: Call to undefined function wfLoadExtensionMessages() in .../extensions/SemanticComments/includes/CE_GlobalFunctions.php on line 87

Krabina (talkcontribs)

ah, the lastest dev version works!

Krabina (talkcontribs)

correction: it works, but it breaks Special:Specialpages:

Warning: require_once(.../includes/SpecialPage.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in .../extensions/SemanticComments/specials/Comment/CE_CommentSpecial.php on line 37

Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required '.../includes/SpecialPage.php' (include_path='...:.../includes:.../languages:.../pear:.../vendor/phpunit/php-text-template:.../vendor/phpunit/php-timer:.../vendor/phpunit/php-file-iterator:.../vendor/phpunit/php-code-coverage:.../vendor/phpunit/phpunit:.../vendor/symfony/yaml:.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in .../extensions/SemanticComments/specials/Comment/CE_CommentSpecial.php on line 37

Krabina (talkcontribs)

the fix was easy: in /extensions/SemanticComments/specials/Comment/CE_CommentSpecial.php on line 37


require_once( $IP . "/includes/SpecialPage.php" );


require_once( $IP . "/includes/specialpage/SpecialPage.php" );
Reply to "Error in MW 1.23, SMW 2.0"

Using User pictures if availabe

3 (talkcontribs)

It would be a great feature if user pictures/icons would be displayed if available instead of the standard icon.

There is a similar extension: http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:WikiTweet unfortunately it is quite unmaintained. Maybe you can borrow some code from there. For the icons, it just looks for username.png (or .jpg) file and displays it if available.

Hypergrove (talkcontribs)

i agree - and it should come from Semantic Social Profile foaf:image property. However I'm noticing that right now, even when one is logged on, an IP address is shown, which needs to be fixed.

Krabina (talkcontribs)

I figured that it's in the code, I added it in the usage section. If the user page contains the property "User image::" and it is set to a image file, the image gets displayed.

Reply to "Using User pictures if availabe"

SemanticComments Error Message when Running Jobs

5 (talkcontribs)

We installed SemanticComments today and it looked good on our internal wiki. However, when we ran the runJobs script, we got an error. We have MediaWiki 1.20.2, Semantic MediaWiki 1.8 installed.

[root@gestalt-dev]# php runJobs.php
FauxRequest::getRequestURL() not implemented
#0 /usr/share/mediawiki-1.20.2/includes/WebRequest.php(1305): FauxRequest->notImplemented('FauxRequest::ge...')
#1 /usr/share/mediawiki-1.20.2/extensions/SemanticComments/includes/CE_GlobalFunctions.php(96): FauxRequest->getRequestURL()
#2 [internal function]: cefSetupExtension()
#3 /usr/share/mediawiki-1.20.2/includes/Setup.php(551): call_user_func('cefSetupExtensi...')
#4 /usr/share/mediawiki-1.20.2/maintenance/doMaintenance.php(103): require_once('/usr/share/medi...')
#5 /usr/share/mediawiki-1.20.2/maintenance/runJobs.php(122): require_once('/usr/share/medi...')
#6 {main} (talkcontribs)

We currently have the same problem using mw 1.20.2. Quick and dirty workaround:

Replace the include in LocalSettings.php with

if( !defined('DO_MAINTENANCE') )//do not include if running maintenance scripts

This will deactivate the extension for the running of the script and activate it for regular use of the wiki.

Kind regards (talkcontribs)

Update to the workaround: This will corrupt the Article has average rating property (until page is being purged or resaved). Uncool if you use the rating functionality and make changes that let the maintenancescript run over commented pages.

Kind regards

Hypergrove (talkcontribs)

Sorry for the late reply. I did the same workaround when I ran into the problem, so it's nice to hear that fails so it can be fixed correctly. Most extensions don't access the request block. The workaround should be changed to access a global, and it should be applied there at least. (talkcontribs)

Not sure if anyone is still using this, but I've been messing around with it. If you edit extensions/SemanticCOmments/includes/CE_GlobalFunctions.php and change it to look like this it better solves the issue and doesn't mess up the property

       if( !defined('DO_MAINTENANCE') ) {
               $url = $wgRequest->getRequestURL();
               if(  stripos( $url, $spns_text . ":SemanticComments" ) !== false
                    || stripos( $url, $spns_text . "%3ASemanticComments" ) !== false ) {
                       $wgOut->addModules( 'ext.ce.comment.specialpage' );
               } else {
                       $wgOut->addModules( 'ext.ce.comment' );
Reply to "SemanticComments Error Message when Running Jobs"

After Rating Article Parts of the Comment Header Disapear

1 (talkcontribs)

Once I put a vote into the semantic comments system it will just be text that says 16x in a gray box. Everything else just disappears.

Reply to "After Rating Article Parts of the Comment Header Disapear"
Cavila (talkcontribs)

I was just considering whether I should be using Semantic Forms as a means of building structured, queryable discussion pages when I stumbled on your promising extension! That was a welcome surprise. A few questions and comments:

  • As can be seen on your own test page (http://www.bestpracticeswiki.net/view/Test_page), the user icon appears to be broken. Apparently, a default icon should be added to Template:Comment.
  • The first time I tried, no comments were submitted even if new pages in the Comments namespace were created. I suspect that this may have something to do with the extension not being on friendly terms with internal links or other types of syntax.
  • Once a comment is submitted, the page appears to be reloading forever. If you refresh the page, however, the comments does appear to have been added.
  • Should this extension be regarded as the successor to Extension:SMWCollaboration (also listed here)? The description is similar, but much of the documentation was added a couple of months later (in March this year).
  • What about subject headings? Can the rating option be switched off?
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