Extension talk:SCIJAX
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The following discussion has been transferred from Meta-Wiki.
Any user names refer to users of that site, who are not necessarily users of MediaWiki.org (even if they share the same username).
Any user names refer to users of that site, who are not necessarily users of MediaWiki.org (even if they share the same username).
IE Formatting Problems
[edit]I was having problems with IE screwing up my entire page's formatting whenever the spellchecker would exit. Here is my fix (I'm sure this is probably a nasty hacky way of doing it):
function unescapeForSpellCheck(str) { var checkSpelling = str; // Get rid of all the DHTML that we added. + if (window.ActiveXObject) { + var regex = /
/gi; + checkSpelling = checkSpelling.replace(regex,"\n"); + var regex = /\r\n/; + checkSpelling = checkSpelling.replace(regex,""); + var regex = / \n/gi; + checkSpelling = checkSpelling.replace(regex,"\n"); + } var regex = /<.*?>/gi; checkSpelling = checkSpelling.replace(regex,"");
[edit]I can't really understand this paragraph
Sadly there are not many hooks in the mediawiki source and on needs to be added to support this extension. Add the line proceeded by a plus into the right place (indicated by the line number and lines of content) in your includes/EditPage.php file. +++ includes/EditPage.php 2005-12-08 15:22:43.529059000 -0500 @@ -1124,6 +1124,7 @@ $toolbar.="addInfobox('" . wfEscapeJsString( wfMsg( "infobox" ) ) . "','" . wfEscapeJsString( wfMsg( "infobox_alert" ) ) . "');\n"; + wfRunHooks( 'EditPageToolbar', array( &$toolbar, NULL ) ); $toolbar.="document.writeln(\"</div>\");\n"; $toolbar.="/*]]>*/\n</script>";
Were should I be supposed to put the code, after which part of code ? is it line 500 ? , line 1124 ?
Thank you for your answer
End of content from meta.wikimedia.org.
Note that the above conversation may have been edited or added to since the transfer. If in doubt, check the edit history.
Note that the above conversation may have been edited or added to since the transfer. If in doubt, check the edit history.